
surveyyy timePerjantai 08.02.2008 11:53

***********ALL ABOUT YOU****************

height: 167cm

weight: not gonna tell

eye color: brown

hair color: dark

best physical feature: don't have any :P

most overused phrase: lol

nicknames: jip, jipvicious

single or taken: taken!

******THIS OR THAT*******

love or money: love

love or lust: love

kiss or hug: kiss and hug, but more kiss :)

upset or pissed off: i'm always pissed off rather than upset

peace or war: peace

******HAVE YOU EVER******

punched a wall: no, that's what boys do

laughed so hard you cried: yes

cursed in church: yes, I'm bad, God forgive me for that

kissed in the rain: not tried that one yet

what about in a car: yessss :)

in a pool: yes ;)

on a bed: yes

broken someone..'s heart: yes

had your heart broken: too many times

cheated on someone: no

been cheated on? too many times

kissed someone who wasn..'t single? hmmm, no

slept outside? yes

been arrested: no

smoked: no

drank: yes

done something you wished you could take back? yes!

*****RANDOM STUFF******

most embarassing moment? haha, a couple of them :P

the biggest life lesson youve learned so far? that I'm just supposed to be really honest to certain people and be patient with things

last ime you cried? last night

last time you laughed at something stupid? hahhaaa, yes :P

your biggest pet peeve? hmm, don't know

last person you kissed? Joeri

last person you hugged? my kittyyyyy!!

last gift you recieved? my heart neclace!


ice cream? mint chocolate

smell? hypnose

body part on the opposite sex? hihii :) lips so I can kiss them :) and he can smile with them

way to spend a day? with my sweetheart just being together

color? pink

hobby? sleeping


i am happiest when: I'm with Joeri

fast food is: bad

i am: inlove

sex: is good

i am healthiest when: i'm with my sweetheart

i wish i: could be with him now

i wish everyone would: be more happier in life

i don't: want to stay here

i love: Joeri

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