
Simerock 2007Torstai 24.05.2007 16:14

Viime lauantaina Sanna lupas mulle Kimmon sinne kattomaan mm. Diabloa etc.

Nyt aamulla yritin saada itteni hereille kattelemalla youtubesta Diablon videoita ja nyt löysin sen biisin mitä jo pari kuukautta sitten kuuntelin Kimmon autossa ja kehuin sen sanoja, mutta eihän se Kimmo sillon päissään muistanu sen biisin nimeä ja enhän miekään aamulla enää tämmösiä muistanu; ..Näen jo sielunsilmin kuinka me Kimmon kanssa olakkain siellä fiilistellään =)

ps. kyllä suomalaiset osaa tehä heviä \,,,/ x)

I know a man who's still brave enough
To say things straight without
Hiding behind those cryptic words
and that strength will last until the world burns

I will always remember those
Words he used to say
Better not to have been born
Than to live without glory

And that man has now reached the point
Of no return
He's got nothing to lose, nothing to win
He doesn't have to pretend anything

I will always remember those
Words he used to say
Better not to have been born
Than to live without glory

Against our lives
Yours and mine
Is Lady Fortune not so kind
Still we want to face her as one
Sharing our future as it comes

No one knows, no one sees
No one can share
No one can feel it
But we don't care
The destination is unknown for us
but in sorrow we trust
In sorrow


I will always remember those
Words he used to say
Better not to have been born
Than to live without glory

Against our lives
Yours and mine
Is Lady Fortune not so kind
Still we want to face her as one
Sharing our future as it comes

No one knows, no one sees
No one can share
No one can feel it
But we don't care
The destination is unknown for us
but in sorrow we trust
In sorrow
In sorrow we trust

In Sorrow We Trust - Diablo

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