

- Vanhemmat »

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 29.12.2005 18:30

"ku oon selittäny et Kira nukkuu täs sohval ni mä meen pasin sänkyyn ja pasi menee komeroon nukkumaan et kira saa olla turvassa :D"

Why do you love mePerjantai 23.12.2005 14:45

I'm no Barbie doll
I'm not your baby girl
So I've done ugly things
And I have made mistakes
And I am not as pretty as those girls in magazines
I am rotten to my core if they're to be believed

So what if I'm no baby bird hanging upon your every word
Nothing ever smells of roses that rides out of mud

She's like heroinPerjantai 23.12.2005 01:03

She wants nothing more
But to be a little whore
He wants nothing less
But to wear a little dress
- Vanhemmat »