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460Perjantai 10.11.2006 23:36

oli sit ekat treenit fodin kanssa.. saatiin ainaki yks kiva idea :)

457Tiistai 07.11.2006 14:25

lellu: voinko mä puhaltaa teille yhden ilmapallon?
tanja: joo tottakai.
lellu: *äherrystä puherrusta*
lellu: *hengenveto*
lellu: *lisää äherrystä ja puherrusta*
lellu: miten te saatte näihin ilmaa!?
tanja: kuka sano että me saadaan.
lellu: no olisit heti sanonu
tanja: ei kukaan käskeny sanoo


456Maanantai 06.11.2006 19:24

voisipa pitkästä aikaa jotain muokkausta itselle kehitellä.

455Lauantai 04.11.2006 12:22

tänään elitistipaskiaismiitti

454Perjantai 03.11.2006 19:35

sain tilaamani paidan :)

453Perjantai 03.11.2006 16:56

siivosin kaapin takaosan. sieltä löyty vaikka mitä kivaa:

- tyhjiä levyjä
- kynä
- raamit
- pitsihansikas samettigoottivuosiltani
- joulukalenteri (?)
- pinnejä
- pölyä
- panta
- webkamera (?)
- taskulamppu
- homehtunut mandariininkuori
- nemilehti

mutta ei sims 2 universityä mitä etsin!

I feel so touched,
When you run your mouth,
About how you want,
To kill this or that,

When in reality,
You have to realize,
People change,
and Not everyone will like you,

You can't have everything,
So just be happy,
To exist or not,
With or without,

Whoever the hell,
Whenever the fuck,
Because no one will care,
Except for yourself,

It's a cold harsh world,
But we all keep going,
On and on without showing,
The deepest cuts,

The darkest secrets,
Corrupt or not,
Kept well hidden,
To hide the plot,

Whatever that means,
Just know that I'm not,
Some silly little play thing,
In the midst of your games,

I've got better things,
Bigger fish to fry,
and Limitless dreams,
To be concerned with,

Life is amazing,
Once you open your eyes,
Find something better to focus on,
There's new things out there still,

Hear my words,
The pastor does speak,
Upon this verse,
I strike-out the weak

452Torstai 02.11.2006 21:10

varuskunnan paukkeet kuuluu tänne asti :S

Her hair stands on end
as she screams in fright
this child is going to die tonight.

She runs as tears they fly
into the darkened midnight sky
the crows they follow as they fly.

She turns her head
her eyes show so much fear
as she realizes the monsters are here.

She trips and her face hits the grownd
as she starts to leave a trail
but the poor childs so frail.

Everything has died away
no one knows what hapened that day
to the child that ran away.

You hear her stories now and then
but their only whispers in the wind
the poor child commited not a sin.

451Torstai 02.11.2006 00:28

liikaa opiskeltavaa. miksi valitsin kaksoistutkinnon? :S

tosiaan moraalinani on hoitaa aloitetut asiat loppuun, joten niin teen tämänkin kanssa. säälin teitä lukiolaisia.

Tragic kingdoms often lie in the shadows of shattered hearts
Touched by the cruel plagues of hatred and fear they build and rise
Until the heart is consumed within a labyrinth of pain and sorrow
And the last of our innocence dies; bringing forth an immortal remembrance
The memory of what was, what we could have been is always there

450Tiistai 31.10.2006 20:11

lunta satoi sitten tännekin.

Winter Wind is at my door.
Come to me.
Calling, enticing to blow along.
Let me in.
Open the door and death waits for you.
Here I am.
Pulling you into its sinister aires.
Wait no longer.
One step closer and all is nothing.
It's too late.
Beautiful release.

449Maanantai 30.10.2006 19:39

koin tänään uuden makuelämyksen.. se oli lauantaimakkara. se maistui aika........hmm....

hyvältä :D

söin paketin putkeen.