
Today, I saw one of the most popular seniors in my grade eat lunch with the wheelchair-bound, mentally-challenged freshman girl who is always by herself. She made the girl laugh and talked to her like she was no different than her other friends. The senior girl then invited her to go see Twilight this weekend. Her kindness GMH.

Over the summer, my boyfriend passed away from cancer. When none of my other friends wanted to be near me, my old college roommate spent all the money she earned over the summer so she could fly over from another country and spend a week making me food and holding my hand while I cried. She GMH.

A couple months ago, my little brother came home from his first day in kindergarten. When I asked him about his class, he said "there's a girl in my class, and she's so pretty!" The girl he was talking about is a bald 5 year old with leukemia. His unconditional love GMH.

Today, I got locked in the bathroom. I am physically disabled and I couldn't get my fingers to unlock the door. I almost cried and felt so humiliated. A girl in the bathroom slipped under the bathroom stall in a floor-length gown and unlocked it for me and ruined her dress. Kind strangers GMH

..laittaisin enemmänki mut en viitti laittaa kauheet listaa. :'''D
Tä oikeesti piristää kummasti. <3

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