


lost my better half

hähää ei kerrotaTiistai 31.08.2010 03:27

breathe the air of this city
it deflects me away from this world
this city, it breaks us apart
this city of destroyed love
We dont belong here,
lets fly to the skies above
broken down cause were miles away
you're just one more wounded angel for my life
i've said that i don't care'bout you anymore
i miss our time, hoping that everything's going to be fine
slitting my heart out, can you see now
i know this road, that im going to follow
the road of misery
love,above, wake me up
hate, fate, help me rise
i've said that i don't care'bout you anymore
i miss our time, hoping that everything's going to be fine
slitting my heart out, can you see now
(it beats only for you, only for you)
someone, help me to forget

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