


The right to be a God.. That right is now mine.

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Private Hell (Iggy Pop feat. Green Day)Perjantai 15.12.2006 01:06

I have a private hell
Of excellent quality
I've dwelt there for years
Playing with my fears

It's tastefull, luxurious,
And full of sexuality
And though they are tears
I controll them with my gears

Well all in all,
I must tell you,
Well I must tell you,
I'm so proud of my private hell

Anger and greed brew
And then they stamped
Till I can transmute
Them into more loot

It's tastefull, luxurious,
And full of sexuality
And though they are tears
I controll them with my gears

Well all in all,
I must tell you,
Well I must tell you,
I'm so proud of my private hell

Well all in all,
I must tell you,
Well I must tell you,
I'm so proud of my private hell

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