
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 31.07.2006 00:42

nimeä jokin biisi joka kirjaimelle.

A - american idiot
B - bless the child
C - circus maximus
D - downer
E - east 12th. st.
F - father christmas
G - give me novacaine
H - hiljainen kaupunki
I - infra-red
J - just another story
K - keltainen
L - love is like a song
M - meds
N - nobody likes you
O - one of us is gonna die young
P - pierrot the clown
Q - queen of apology
R - routa
S - space monkey
T - the lady is vamp (?.)
U - uummama?taijotai.
V - viva forever!
W - wake me up when september ends
X - x
Y - your horoscope for today
Z - zookeeper's boy (huijjaan vähä, et en pistä the!)

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