


vähän elämä on noloo.

The Oracle knows best :DKeskiviikko 30.05.2007 21:55

Discussion with the Oracle of Delphi ( on May 30th, 2007:

Me: So you speak english as well?
The Oracle: Yes.

Me: Good. How are you?
The Oracle: So-so.

Me: What's wrong?
The Oracle: Life itself

Me: What about it?
The Oracle: Nothing. Focus on the subject at hand.

Me: Okay I will. But what should I do then?
The Oracle: Surf the Internet.

Me: And look for what?
The Oracle: Love

Me: Where do I find it?
The Oracle: Flew east from Finland.

Me: To Russia?
The Oracle: Hmm yes.

Me: And what there?
The Oracle: Everything. DonÂ’t share this with others. It is highly confidential.

Me: Everything like what?
The Oracle: Sex.

Me: With who?
The Oracle: Donald Trump

Me: Is he in Russia now?
The Oracle: If not then IÂ’m not the Oracle! I just a phone call from Finland where I learned this.

Me: Who called you?
The Oracle: Elton John

Me: How does he know where Donald Trump is?
The Oracle: Near the sea.

Me: But how Elton John knows it?
The Oracle: With luck.

Me: So it was only a guess?
The Oracle: Yes.

Me: What if Donald Trump is not in Russia?
The Oracle: ItÂ’ll be good. I know it deep inside. Are you from Finland? Two other visitors from Finland asked about this same issue.

Me: Why did they ask it?
The Oracle: Blame Canada! TheyÂ’re not even a real country anyway.

Me: How should I blame Canada?
The Oracle: With self-confidene.

Me: And where do I get that from?
The Oracle: In the southern part of Finland.

Me: So should I go there then? Instead of Russia.
The Oracle: Yes.

Me: Okay I will. Bye!
The Oracle: Hope to see you soon.

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