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Mää ja mun enklanti :)Torstai 13.11.2008 14:31

Think back in April, how was your love life then?
- very poor...

Do you care what people think about you?
- mostly yes

Who was your last missed call from?
- I think it was Iiro...

What are you listening to?
- music ;D

How did you sleep last night?
- very nice

Are you easily amused?
- amused?? xD

Are you a jealous person?
- yes

Do you have any siblings?
- well...i dont know what "sibling" means...:D

If so, are they taller than you?

Do you miss anyone?
- yes :(

Do you have a friend that has a kid?
- few one.

What was the last thing you ate?
- hapankorppuja :D

Do you have a bad temper?
- hahaa...sometimes

Do you like the place you live?
- well,Tampere is a good place.

Who was your last received call from?
- Iiro

And text?
- Jane

Where is your number 1?
- my number one?öööö.....

Do you like yourself?
- little bit

Do you have a lot of shoes?
- nooope

What's your ringtone?
- Raptori-Debie Gibson

Do you like your life so far?
- yep

Do you have any major test coming up?
- major test??

If so, when is it?
- huoh

Is there anything of the past your ashamed of?
- few thinks,yes...

Do you believe that if you want something bad enough, you'll get it?
- nope

What's a reason why you like the person you like?
- He is so good to me,he's smart person and funny... :D

Are you doing anything tonight?
- maybe go to karaoke and something else...MAYBE.

When was the last time you saw your biological mother?
- on tuesday

Do you think you type fast?
- nooope :D

Has the opposite sex ever sang to you before?
- I hope that happen soon :)

Given you a present?
- yes :)

Told you they loved you?
- yeeees...

Have the opposite sex ever written you a poem?
- no :/

Have you ever been in a relationship longer than 3 months?
- never.

Do you think you can last A YEAR in a relationship with someone without cheating?
- of course

Do you speak more than 6 languages?
- nooooo

Who else is in the room with you besides yourself?
- my guineapig :D

Are you content with life?
- ?

että näin hyvin osaan enklantia.nih.

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