
So you've been searching throughout the internet and happened to come across this post of mine, well if that's the case the let me take the liberty to assume your being here has something to do with exchange recovery, if so, read ahead . As you must have noticed by now from the very many blogs on internet, what you need for flawless exchange server recovery is an EDB to PST Converter. Well that sounds simple enough but is rather time consuming process considering the fact that there are plenty EDB to PST Converters in the market.On advice of many a experienced exchange admins I decided to test out the EdbMails EDB to PST Converter. Make no mistake many a professional exchange administrators have recommended it to me and at the outset i must say that it managed to live upto the expectations i had.The many unique features it has coupled with the fact that the export operation takes place quicker compared to similar tool I've tried makes EdbMails a tool worth trying out. Knowing that i had a reliable EDB to PST Converter tool with me for handling cases of exchange corruption made life rather easy as an exchange admin. If you've read till here then you must have already understood that I am quite impressed with EdbMails myself.Basically it makes your life easier by allowing you to get out of any unfortunate exchange error scenarios with ease.


EdbMails also boasts support for direct migration to Office 365 and Live exchange server making it a one stop exchange recovery solution. There is also a trial version to help you test out all the features of EdbMails and export upto 30 items per folder/mailbox.

All the data of an exchange server is stored in EDB files or the exchange database files including individual user mailboxes and its associated components. Like any database under constant use the exchange database is also prone to corruption from various factors. This is where the conversion of EDB to PST becomes vital for exchange recovery.

Some common cases that could lead to exchange server corruption are listed below:

1.Oversize EDB file

2.Non clean shutdown that is the database is in dirty shutdown state.

3.Hardware Failure

4.Server Failure or Crash

5.Malicious software or scripts.

6.Conflicts arising when upgrading server components.

7.Header file and log files missing or inaccessible.
8.Logical corruption of Exchange Database

9.Inadvertent use mailbox deletion.

The above mentioned scenarios can or may lead to your exchange database corruption and make the data contained within inaccessible. If the aim is to get very last bit of information from the EDB file recovered then it is advised that one makes use of the advanced EdbMails exchange recovery tool to convert EDB to PST. EdbMails can quickly repair all EDB corruption issues thanks to its deep scanning algorithms that are a result of years of dedicated engineering.

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