
Fred Durst - Forever <33Keskiviikko 23.01.2008 08:53

All you punks shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up
i said shut the fuck up !
all you punks step the fuck back, step the fuck back
yeah step the fuck back !
oh you like that don't ya ? yeah
i know you like that don't ya ?
your life what you like
well just live like it's life mother fucker !
i said live like it's life !

you don't know what you got, until it's gone
and you don't know what you lost, until it's gone
and when somebody that you know goes away (and dies)
they're gone !
they're gone !
they're gone !
forever !

every second you're alive it's just a countdown
every second you're alive it's just a countdown !

my life, your life, his life, their life it's oh so temporary !

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