


I go Everywhere.
We don't need your democracy
Execute them kindly for me
Take them by their filthy nostrils
Put them up in doggy hostels
We don't need your hypocrisy
Execute real democracy
Post-industrial messianic
We are thinking maserati

Controlling tools of yours scumm
Making life more dollar of a
Making life more dollar of a
Controlling tools of yours scumm
Making life more dollar of a
Making life more dollar of a

We don't need your hypocrisy
Execute real democracy
Post-industrial messianic
We are thinking maserati !

Controlling tools of yours scumm
Making life more dollar of a
Making life more dollar of a
Controlling tools of yours s scumm
Making life more dollar of a
Making life more dollar of a

We don't need your hypocrisy
Execute real democracy
Post-industrial messianic
We are thinking maserati
Post-industrial messianic
We are thinking maserati
We don't need your hypocrisy
Execute real democracy.
Post-industrial messianic
We are thinking maserati
Post-industrial messianic
We are thinking maserati

I believe that you're wrong
Insinuating they hold the bomb
Clearing the way for the oil renegade
Clearing the way for the oil renegade
I believe that you're wrong
Insinuating they hold the bomb
Clearing the way for the oil renegade
Clearing the way for the oil renegade

Controlling tools of yours s scumm
Making life more dollar of a
Making life more dollar of a
Controlling tools of yours s scumm
Making life more dollar of a
Making life more dollar of a

I believe that you're wrong
Insinuating they hold the bomb
Clearing the way for the oil renegade
Clearing the way for the oil renegade

We don't need your hypocrisy
Execute real democracy.
Post-industrial messianic
We are thinking maserati
Post-industrial messianic

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