


tyhmä kebab

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1. Has your own jealousy ever effected your relationship with someone? - Maybe
2. What is your favorite day of the week? - friday.
3. Do you think your mood affects what you wear and vice versa? - it can
4. Do you generally do the same thing every day of the week? - not always.
5. What is something you did yesterday and wish you could’ve done today? - I should'n have ate the last ice cream yesterday... I should have saved it for today. T 3 T
6. Do you own any sparkly t-shirts or shoes? - no
7. Do you think that learning in a same-sex classroom would work to your benefit? - maybe.
8. If you woke up tomorrow and knew/spoke a different language, which language would you want it to be? - Hmm.. Probably japanese, I would understand those doujinshis I have in japanese. X'-D
9. What perfume(s) do you wear? How would you describe it? - none
10. Pick one flavor of ice cream: Neopolitan, Mint chocolate chip, Regular vanilla, or cookie dough? - Mint chocolate chip.
11. What do you use to remove your makeup? - Nothing, since I usually don't wear any.
12. How often do you burn candles? - well...I... never. ; _ ; But I would want to~ I'm just too scared that my house will burn.....
13. What brand of nail polish do you usually use? - I don't use.
14. What did you last order online? - Hmm... I guess it was third Dexter dvd box... a loong time ago..
15. Do you have any specific hobbies? (candle making, scrapbooking, making bracelets or jewelry, knitting, model making, etc.) - writing letters and sending postcards? making surveys? sleeping? 8''')
16. How much money do you think you spend a week? - On this week super-much...... X___X'''
17. What’s a song you recently discovered that you want to tell everyone about? - One russian song which name I don't know. X'D
18. If you are in school, tell us something interesting that you learned in your classes or something that’s going on in general - I'm not in school right now. Haven't been in a while.
19. Favorite fall or winter accessory? - jacket, now that I have one ; u ; <3

1. When you find coins laying around outside, do you pick them up?
Usually yes.

2. Have you ever done surveys someplace other than your house?

3. Does anyone think it's weird and/or a waste of time that you do surveys?
I'm sure that there are people who think that.

4. How many hours do you think you could endure of listening to nothing but Sesame Street before you went bonkers?
If I'm tied up in small white room and there would be nothing else than the TV, I probably could endure it only one day. (I'm pretty good when it comes in enduring things) I would be probably watching the show with interest. XD

5. Do you ever watch old cartoons/television shows from your childhood for nostalgic purposes?
- Yes. ; u ;

6. Have you ever had to wash yourself with wet wipes because you didn't have access to a sink or shower?
No. XD

7. If you have Facebook, have you ever created an event? What was it for?
- Yes. It was for our Hetalia Larp. which we never held... . __ .

8. Have you ever fought over a toy with someone? Do you remember what it was?
HAHA Probably everyday when I was still a kid.

9. Rate your patience from 1 [terrible] to 10 [fantastic]:

10. Are you one to constantly check your inbox [whether it be on your phone, e-mail or a website]? How often are you disappointed to find
nothing new?
- YES. Especially RPG sites are one which I'm checking all the time.

11. How many words can you make out of 'Refrigerator Door'? Do you like word challenges like that?
A few

12. What is your view on letting infants watch television?
I watched tv a lot when I was infant and I would probably let mine watch too. Moomins of course. :3

13. Have you ever watched Hollywood Squares?
No ?

14. What is a show or movie you wish would be added to NetFlix's Watch Instantly?
I don't use NetFlix

15. Did you struggle much when transitioning from a tricycle to a bicycle?
I don't remember. But I've a feeling that it was easy.

16. Do you know any adults that have adult-sized tricycles?

17. What is one thing that you would be embarrassed if the person you liked found out about you?
- Oh there are lot's of these. 8'') One would probably be the fact that I live in apartment for mental health rehabbers..

18. If you could make it start raining any one item, excluding money, what would you pick?
- clothes which fits to me. I don't really have much of clothes and I'd love to get some new ones.. (money would be first if it wouldn't be excluded)

19. What is your favourite thing that begins with the letter F?

20. Have you ever watched an entire season of a show in one sitting?
YES. Though I made some food in the middle and used bathroom a few times.

21. Have you considered what gauged ears will look like as the person with them grows older?

22. Who was the last person to invite you out? Did you accept? And if so, where did you go?
- Laura, and yes I will be going......probably.

23. What do you usually do with money you are given as a birthday/holiday present? Do you prefer receiving money as a gift?
I don't get money as present 8I

24. If you watched Sesame Street as a kid, who was your favorite Muppet? What about from The Muppet Show?
I don't remember their names... * _ *' I only remember Elmo and cookie monster, so probably I liked them? ö _Ö

25. If someone offered you one of the following for free, which would you be more inclined to accept?
a pet miniature pig
a basic cell phone with basic functions <---
two pounds of potatoes
twelve dollars
1. Would you rather live in a place with all four seasons (snow and sun) or where it's sunny all the time?
I want all four seasons! :<

2. Are you one of those people who DOESN'T want to live in New York City?

3. What is one movie you remember watching as a kid that you didn't like?
Sleeping Beauty...

4. Have you read any good books lately? If so, what's it called?
Eragon *_*

5. What kind of tampons do you use, if you use tampons?

6. Do you get updates on your phone from MySpace/Facebook/twitter/etc?
- nope

7. Are you a part of the Twitter craze?
- no?

8. What is a word that you say wrong (you know you say it wrong) but can't seem to correct yourself of saying it right anyways?
- TOO MANY to choose... well, one is "Philosophical" I just can't get that right! X'D

9. Is there a song that makes you feel sad/upset, but you love it anyways?
FMA Brotherhood's Bratja. It makes me sad... ; _ ; but I love it.

10. Would you rather only eat veggies/fruits for a whole week or eat your favorite junk foods for a week straight?
- . . . junk food XD

11. What tv show do you miss that you used to watch as a kid, or a show that got cancelled?
kaukametsänpakolaiset!!! ;;; ___ ;;;;

12. If your boy/girlfriend asked you to masturbate in front of him/her, would you?
I don't have one 8S but probably not.

13. Do you know what college you want to go to? If so, which one?

14. Do you think animal printed jeans are stupid, tacky, or cute?
Depends of the person who is using the jeans. . 3 .

15. What's your favorite thing about the person you dislike the most in your English class?
- She were there only once. 8 )

16. Is there a movie/tv show/character that reminds you of your life/yourself? If so, which one?
- Welll....

17. What type of food or drinks make you sick every time you eat or drink it?
- humm... from drinks I hate the juices which has pulp in it DX And from foods..... cold cucumber soup. *throws up just from thinking of it*

18. Do you think it's hard to make a good survey, or easy?

19. If you had the choice, would you rather wear a dress or a skirt? If you're a guy, would you rather wear jeans or shorts?
Dress. Skirts on's wrong... (Tsc, like dress wouldn't be??)

20. Do you bring your own bag when you go shopping instead of getting a plastic bag, or do you just reuse the plastic bags?
It depends, if I go to buy food I'll bring my own plastic bag, but if I'm shopping for something else I mostly ask for the plastic bag...

bored.Maanantai 14.11.2011 22:12

Are you embarrassed to show people your ID photo? - Yeah T _ T
Have or would you ever become a cheerleader? - no 8'D
What's the longest you've gone without eating? - over 36 hours
Out of the bands you listen to, were most of them around before or after you were born? - after
Does time pass slowly or quickly when you're on the internet? - it depends what I'm doing.
Does the thought of being pregnant gross you out? - a bit..
Are you good at making shadow puppets? - no XD
Do you enjoy going out to dinner? - no..
Would you ever go on a cruise ship holiday? - Maybe
What's your favorite sea animal? - killer whale <3
Would you rather be a police officer or a criminal? - criminal haha.
Do the majority of your purses look the same? - no
Something that's holding you back from achieving your dreams - lack of money
Something you fear more than anything - death
Something you wish people would understand - Umm.. I...Dunno. X'D nothing comes in my mind = . ='
Something that keeps you going everyday - Dunno. ö - ö
Something you hate that people say - lies
Something you wish you could have told that person you never saw again - I would have wanted to ask some questions, but in the otherhand I'm not sure if I want to hear the answers..
Something about you that you think will soon change - Lack of energy
Something that really sparks your interest - lot's of things.
Anyone ever broken up with you the day after you had sex? - No
Can you commit to one person? - Probably.
Could you go the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? - Yes. No problem.
You're locked in a room with the person you last kissed, any problems? - haha I don't remember who I've last kissed... X'D But probably no
If you had to get a piercing right now, what would it be? - probably something to ear... Pinna (?) maybe
Are you wearing a ring? - no
Have you ever walked on the beach at night? - yes
Do you think it's disgusting when girls get really skinny? - yes
What are your plans for Saturday? - nothing yet. Probably will be doing school works for whole weekend..
Are any of your friends virgins? - Yes
What were you doing at 11:00 last night? - reading manga or sleeping
Have you ever thought about getting your tongue pierced? - yes.
What are you sitting on right now? - chair ?
You find out your ex is having a kid with someone you don't like, you say? - Okay.
Would you care if you saw the person you like kissing someone else? - Maybe not.
Would you rather have salad or french fries for a side dish? - french fries at the moment... XD
Which color: orange or red? - orange!
What's your favorite song by Taylor Swift? Why is that your favorite? - who?
Last time you got let down? - Dunno.
Are you lying to yourself about something? - Yes.
Is your bathroom clean? - Yes
Who did you last share a taxi ride with? - With Salli and...and... who else there were?? damn I can't remember.. D:::8
What were the last words you said to your dad? - don't remember
What were you doing at 12 this afternoon? - i was in the shower
What did you dress up as for Halloween? - I didn't
What is your favorite salad dressing? - dunno
Song playing right now? - Ai Otsuka - CHU-LIP XDD
Country or rock?- rock!
Do you look like your sibling(s)? - yes.

What make up product do you never use? - eyebrow pencil.
Do you ever sit with your legs open? - yeah.
Have you ever been offered drugs on the street? - No
What is one place you have been to and hated? - on my ex-neighbor's house..
Have you ever seen a jellyfish? - yes
Do you know who Dylan Moran is? - No :'')
What's your favorite kind of soup? - HMM... spinach soup.
Do you ever put bread in your soup? - Yes
Do you want some soup? - Not right now lol.
Would you like me to stop asking questions about soup? - yes. XD
Is there anything in the USB key slots in your computer/laptop? - yes.
What advertisements are on your screen at the moment? - none.
Has anyone ever randomly licked your face? - ewww probably not.
When was the last time you bought a book? - a book eh? Not very long time ago.
What question do you hate being asked in surveys? - Maybe something about your love relationship, since I'm single
Are you upstairs or downstairs at the minute? - I only have one floor. :<
Did anyone ever draw on your face when you were sleeping? - Yes.
Have you ever done that to someone else? - Yes xD
Have you ever been asked for directions? if so, did you ever give someone wrong directions? Yes and I gave the right directions..
What's your favorite brand of chocolate, Galaxy, Cadburys, or Nestle? - FAZER!
Are there any farm animals near you? - rabbit? 8' )
Are there any lakes near you? - no
Was there ever a time when you felt absolutely terrified? if so, why? - Yes.
Is there any TV show you watch religiously? - House m.d., dexter, c.s.i though I buy the dvd boxes.. I don't watch TV very much. XD
Have you ever been in your local newspaper? - yes xD
Have you ever called your mother ma or mammy? - no
Can you imitate any other accent? - not very well
Does waiting around in airports get on your nerves? - 8'<
Do you like the window seat or aisle seat on an airplane? - window seat.
What is your funniest memory of the 6th contact in your phone? - I don't know the person actually ö _ö
Have you ever protested? - Not really
Have you ever participated in a parade? - no I think... ?
Are you going to do anything for Paddy's Day? - XD
Were you ever chased by an animal? - YES. by a rooster for examble. XD
Has anyone ever really insulted you? - yes
Have you ever told an elder to fuck off? - no
Do you ever make banana sandwiches? - WHAAAT NOXD
Do you blush easily? - I don't know. ö --ö
Are you single/or taken? - Single.
Are you happy with that? - I always say yes but I'm probably lying to myself...
Do you make the first move or do you prefer it the other way around? - Well doesn't every girl want that the other will do the first move? :')
What is the most painful thing you've experienced? - maybe some spanking my father did to me when I was a child. It hurted like hell if he had a belt! 8'''I
Do you feel guilty about anything? - Yes.
Do you hug someone whenever you see them? - yes. . . . <3
Have you ever been in the accidents and emergency room? - I've been in accidents but thank god we didn't have to go in hospital
When was the last time you bled? What happened? - A few days ago, I probably had got it when I shaved my armpits, but I'm not sure.
Is there anyone you know that gives you the creeps? - no ö 3ö
Do you call random objects 'gay'? - No
Have you ever started talking to someone that you thought was someone else?- yes. = ///='
When you look behind you what catches your attention the most? - Hikaru no go volume 14. * u*
1. After you eat something that has a wrapper, do you immediately dispose of the wrapping, or do you tend to leave it laying around?
Usually I immediately put it in garbage can, but if I'm feeling lazy I will dispose it afterwards. (Like if I'm watching a movie, I'll dispose the wrapping after the movie)
2. Do you actually consider the popular pouty face in people's pictures attractive?
Well doesn't that depend of the person? If she is attractive, then she is attractive, no matter what kind of pose she has? Even if it would be pouty face?
3. Can you imagine ever being a nudist in your own home? Would you feel awkward wandering around naked?
I don't want to imagine this happening. x ___ x''
4. Would you cut off your own pinky for one billion dollars?
HMMMM 8) ah no, I couldn't do that.... maybe. = u=
5. If you were in a situation where you were being threatened that someone would murder someone important to you unless you agreed to having both eyes or both arms removed, which would you choose?
What kind of question is this XD Hard to choose.. Since I want to see the world, but removing both arms would cause a lot of trouble.
But I would probably choose eyes. ö-ö
6. If you could have a neon light sign that said anything you wanted, or looked like anything you wanted, what would it be?
Errr.. what the heck would I do with it? X'D
7. Would you rather have a side dish involving pasta or rice?
rice probably. Depends of the day
8. Do you think you could handle working as customer service, without getting angry at the customer?
Maybe, I don't get angry very easily, but I'm afraid I would start to cry in some point... X''D
9. ^Have you ever been the angry customer?
10. Looking at all of the items within the room you are in, are there any that you could successfully knock out someone that came into your home in attempts to rob you?
Right now I'm in my little sisters room and there is not much choise... Wait, I have a vacuum over here so no problem!
11. Does it make you uneasy knowing that the writers of movies like Saw have the capability to come up with the disturbing things that occur in the movies?
Nope XD
12. Do your thighs sweat a lot when you are sitting down?
No. ??
13. Where was the last sit down restaurant you went to? Were you the one that paid for your food?
in Joensuu and no.
14. What was the last thing to malfunction/break in your house? Was it fixed?
washing machine (for clothes)
15. Do you think it is silly to do something extravagant for a kid's first birthday?
16. How many remotes are there in your household [including video game remotes]?
two...i think?
17. Does your internet go out frequently, or is it pretty dependable?
18. What is the nearest thing to you that has lettering/words on it? What does it say?
my notebook which has list of songs I download on to my karaoke
19. What was the last uncomfortable situation you were in?
Um... When I was alone in the car with my father.
20. Do you think it is awkward for people over sixteen to have sleepovers?
21. Have you ever caught someone in the act of picking their nose? Or, has someone caught YOU in the act of picking yours?
22. Are you good about sharing your belongings? Are there certain items [aside from obvious things like your underwear] that you wouldn't be willing to share with anyone?
Depends on who I'm sharing with and what.
23. Have you ever lent someone something and never got it back? What was it?
umm.. umm.. No
24. Would/have you ever worn a cape even when it wasn't Halloween?
Hell yeah!
25. Are the bottoms of your feet clean?
I hope so.
* What do the majority of people in your life call you? - Tiina
* When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings?- a few seconds ago
* Have you ever seen your best friend cry? - I'm not sure
* Names of the people you texted today? - Ruto
* Are you a friendly person? - I try to be
* What are you looking forward to? - Christmas
* Have you heard a song that reminds you of anyone today? - Yes
* What did your last text say? - something, i'm too lazy to check
* What were you doing at 12:12 last night? - Sleeping probably.
* When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? - a while ago, in msn though
* What is something you're currently frustrated about? - school.
* How many hours did you sleep last night? - too many
* Have you ever kissed anyone named Pablo? - no
* Do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years or more? - I wouldn't call them as friends. More like.... erm.. People I know.
* Have you been to New York City? - nope.
* What are your plans for tomorrow? - sleep,sleep some more, go to Fantasiapelit to buy one manga, go to home, read the manga, read some more manga from internet and then go to sleep.
* Is there one person who can make you feel better no matter what? - I'm not sure
* What colour is your phone? - black
* Plans for tonight? - I go back to my place
* Have you had alcohol this week? - no.
* Could you cry right now? - no
* What were you doing this morning at 7 AM? - Sleeping
* Is there anything silver near you? - umm... no. ö 3ö
* Whose house were you at last? - right now I'm at my parents place, before that in my place.
* Song playing right now? - Avenged Sevenfold - Almost easy
* What were you doing an hour ago? - err... probably not doing anything differend than now
* Where were you Saturday night? - here, at my parents' place
* Do you wear the seatbelt in the car? - always.
* Has anyone ever mistaken you for someone else? - No
* Do you like to text or call more? - text
* Where was your last long road trip to? - Tampere? 8')
* What is the weather like today? - right now it's dark
* Who did you last talk to on the phone? - father probably
* Who did you sleep with last night? - with my little sister
* Have you held hands with anyone in the past week? - no.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 08.11.2011 12:02

Ei mikään paras alku viikolle.
Ja oonko ees yhtään yllättyny et taas, kun rupeen luottamaan ihmiseen ja kerron hänelle "synkimpiä salaisuuksia" nii tää ihminen tulee ja sanoo et "Joo moi, lähden pois, mut älä huoli, mun tilalle tulee toinen!:)"

Arghh joo pikkujuttu ja tuttava tuo tilallekki tuleva on, mut silti vituttaa. Tuntuu et alkaa taas koko rumba alusta..

Miks mie en osaa tehdä oikeita valintoja elämässä, miks en osaa sanoa ei asioille joita en tahdo ja miks en osaa nauttia siitä mitä miulla jo on. > ___ <

Joo ehkä lopetan tän tähän. Parasta pysytellä hiljaa. jep.

meme AGAIN.Maanantai 07.11.2011 17:28

Are you good at memorizing phone numbers?
Write random lyrics to the song you're listening to.
"She fucking hates me"
Does the battery in your cellphone last long?
Depends on how much I use it. Usually more than 5 days. I think...
When was the last time you ordered pizza?
Umm... somewhere around last winter, we went to pizzeria with Aurinkoinen.
Have you ever carved you and someone else's initials into a tree?
Yes XD
Do you like Dairy Queen?
Okay from the previous one's answer I guess this is some fast food restaurant, I don't know if we have this in Finland. I guess not.
You can have some ice cream. Do you pick vanilla, chocolate or strawberry?
Right now I'd like to have chocolate one please. ö w ö *waiting for the ice cream*
Do you have a bikini body?
*still waiting for the ice cream* And no X'''''-D (FUCK YEAH I just remembered I have trio ice cream in freezer!! * w*)
Is your bedroom currently a disaster?
Yes 8')
Would you rather speak in front of a small group or a large crowd?
Small group please TT 3 TT
Tell me, are you tired?
Not right now. ö 3 ö
When was the last time you saw your father?
On Sunday
This time last month, were you single?
Do you know someone who has moved because they were running from the cops?
What is your favorite thing about the beach?
Dunno, water maybe?
If you were invisible, where would you go?
No idea. ö - ö If I could also walk through things I would go to visit "a few" other countries = u = (Walking through things would be handy, since I guess someone would feel you on air plane, busses and crowded places. 8S)
Are you one of those people who look the same but just have gotten older?
What is your favorite dish at a Chinese restaurant?
I have always taken the same dish so.... X''D
Do you like yogurt by any chance?
Some of them yes.
Have you ever found candy on the ground and eaten it?
No ö x ö Though I might have done this when I was still a child.. I don't remember.
What is the saddest movie you have ever seen?
Umm... Umm... Well... I cry almost for every movie... Hard to say which is the saddest one. D''X
Is there a lock on your bedroom door? Do you ever use it?
If you have a Tumblr, are most of your posts reblogged or posted originally by you?
I don't use tumblr.
Are you counting down to anything right now? If so, what?
Not actually. But I'm really waiting for Christmas :3

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 06.11.2011 22:11

Have you ever felt like you were being purposely excluded from plans your friends were making? Did you confront them about it?
Not just felt but it did really happen a lot when I was still a kid. 8I And no, I did not confront them. Maybe I should have.

Would you generally be overdressed or under-dressed at a party?

Do you get embarrassed easily? What is one thing you've done or said in the past to embarrass yourself?
Yes =////= And I've done lot's of things, falling down on slippery road and tripped on my feets...

What things in nature do you find fascinating, and why?
snow, water, animals... The whole nature is full with fascinating things!

Do you enjoy visiting your relatives?

Are there any weird or creepy legends about the area you live in?
Not here but I think closest legends are in Rantakylä... Latolankatu anyone? XD

What was the last thing you said in the heat of the moment and instantly regretted?
I say too much of things which I regret later on but well..latest thing which I remember was one thing I said in Allnighter...

On a generally bad day, what's one thing that's guaranteed to turn your whole day around?
Err... I don't know. Sometimes some small things (funny M.O.T. etc) makes me happy and sometimes not. :''D

What's something you don't understand about yourself?
MANY THINGS. Like the whole "me" is something I don't understand and I try not to think about it.

Do you see yourself as a predictable or spontaneous person?

What's an interesting movie you've seen lately? What was it about and would you recommend it?
X-men first class

Do you think having your pets in your wedding is sweet or tacky? Would you ever consider doing it?
I don't know. It depends of dog (other pets I wouldn't take in weddings) because if you bring your dog in to your own wedding, you have to look after it just like a child.. and can't be as free as you would like to. But yeah, I wouldn't bring an animal in to church but definately keep it home or where ever the after parties are.

What's the most weirdest/strangest way you ever died in your dreams?
Hmm.. Dunno, maybe the one where I opened my stomack and started to pull things out of there. And once I hanged myself, which I found a bit weird

Name one thing you are never going to try no matter what and name another thing you are willing to try at all costs.
Killing. and don't know the other.. bungee jump! ö 3 ö

When you feel awkward do you start texting or just using your phone in general?

Are you dependent on caffeine to get through the day?
Nope U u U

What's the most memorable class you've ever taken?
My english and germany classes in high school

How did you celebrate your last birthday?
I had small birthday party with Aurinkoinen and on the evening I was with my friend. :3

What is something you find interesting but would never pursue as a career?

Are there any books on your wish list currently?
Yeah over 100 of them. (I do have a list of them)

What is one item that you really should throw away, but probably never will?
haha many stuff in my apartment. XD

Do you enjoy doing things with friends/being social or do you find that you have to push yourself to do things with people?
the second one....

1. WhatÂ’s the connection between you and the last person you called?
She is my mother
2. What is wrong with you right now?
Right now I'm just tired...
3. Do you miss your first love?
4. When did you last cry?
Today. I cry too much.. x____x'''
5. Who do you hate?
No one.
6. What do you want in your life right now?
7. Are you happy?
9. What do you smell like?
I don't know ö - Ö Probably I smell bad.
10. Drinking?
Ice tea
11. WhatÂ’s your favorite thing to have on your bed?
One Piece mangas <3
13. What do you wear to bed?
One very old long nightdress
14. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
Dunno, yes maybe-
15. What are you doing/did today?
I went to my sister's place because it was her son's birthday.
16. What was the last movie you went to?
Umm... I don't remember ö - ö Pirates of the caribbean's newest?
17. Is your shirt new?
Haha no 8'D
18. Do you live next to your ex boyfriend/girlfriend?
19. Are you scared of bugs?
20. Are you a cuddler?
yes .////.
22. What do you think of Eminem?
Nothing bad. ö 3ö
23. Do you read?
24. Do you sleep with a teddy bear?
25. Last thing that made you cry?
One Piece
26. Whose house have you been to within the past 72 hours?
Mine and my sister's
28. Do you like anyone right now?
Not in that way. i think.
29. Are you bored?
30. What is the last movie you watched?
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
31. Do you say "dawg" a lot?
32. What are you excited about?
Nothing . 3 .
34. Who was last to cook for you?
My sister. (we actually made the food together but oh well)
35. When you sleep do you dream about heroin addicts?
36. WhatÂ’s on your mind right now?
One Piece
37. WhatÂ’s something people do on MySpace that you don't like?
I don't know
38. Name someone whose name starts with the letter "D."
39. Do you care what others think about you?
Yes and no.
41. Do you trust people easily?
42. Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
43. Would you ever kiss the last person you kissed again?
44. What do you look forward to in the next 3 months?
45. Who was the last person you called?
My mom
46. Who was the last missed call?
My brother
47. What's your ring tone?
Pupsik by Tina Karol
48. Do you plan on moving out within the next year?
I would want to but probably won't
49. What were you doing at 9 PM last Friday night?
Umm... I was walking to bus stop.
50. What happened at 10:00 am today?
I read One Piece :3

a survey (with my veri guud ingrishu.)Lauantai 05.11.2011 22:01

Do you like to cook?:
No. My cooking skills are almost as good as Arthur Kirkland's. .

Last time you had a cold?:
..actually I don't remember ö 3ö last year?

Have you ever seen a ghost? Or thought you've seen one?:
WELL...I've have seen many things in my life but not ghosts.

Are you allergic to anything?:
to peanuts >:S

What does your room look like right now?:
ERR..clean of course 8'') *lying*

Are you selfish?:

Are your facebook statuses hints for someone?:
err no

Do you like Nutella?:
What? 8')

What is the youngest and oldest you'd date?:
Youngest a year younger than me and oldest maybe five years older. Or maybe younger...

Is there anyone you'd love to meet from Bzoink?:
From where?

When was the last time you cried?:
Today when reading One Piece (again)

Disney princess or Disney animal movies?:
Both are fine.

Do you have school on Halloween?:
I don't actually have school right now.

What was the scariest roller coaster you've ever been on?:
Dunno ö 3 ö maybe the first time I was in one was the scariest...maybe?

Do you even like roller coasters?:
Well most of them have been quite boring, but I think they're pretty ok.

Are forehead kisses cute?:
uh huh! > w<

Do you like South Park?:
I've only seen a few episodes and I actually didn't like them. 8')

How many people have you dated?:
WELLLL.... if you count childhood romances then it's two.

Do you know who Jenna Marbles is?:
Nope 8')

What's your favorite Katy Perry song?:
"E.T.", "Last Friday night" and "teenage dream" I think. Dunno, I don't really care

Do you like Russell Brand?:

day 15 - a song that describes youLauantai 05.11.2011 15:31

Eka joka mieleeni tuli 8'S

ja sit sitä animemanga haastetta

25. The best anime/manga oneshot

tämä tai sit joku miljoonista shoujo one shoteista, joiden nimiä en tähän hätään muista... 8'''''S

24. The best long anime/manga seriesPerjantai 04.11.2011 15:02

Veikkaan että kukaan ei ylläty miun musiikkimausta ja lempikappaleista... pistetään nyt tämä:

Ja miehän siis melkein vihaan Miku Hatsunea (en vaan löydä hyviä kappaleita häneltä)
En oikeastaan ees rakasta tätä kappaletta, mut en nyt keksi tähän hätään muuta..