


tyhmä kebab

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1. Has your own jealousy ever effected your relationship with someone? - Maybe
2. What is your favorite day of the week? - friday.
3. Do you think your mood affects what you wear and vice versa? - it can
4. Do you generally do the same thing every day of the week? - not always.
5. What is something you did yesterday and wish you could’ve done today? - I should'n have ate the last ice cream yesterday... I should have saved it for today. T 3 T
6. Do you own any sparkly t-shirts or shoes? - no
7. Do you think that learning in a same-sex classroom would work to your benefit? - maybe.
8. If you woke up tomorrow and knew/spoke a different language, which language would you want it to be? - Hmm.. Probably japanese, I would understand those doujinshis I have in japanese. X'-D
9. What perfume(s) do you wear? How would you describe it? - none
10. Pick one flavor of ice cream: Neopolitan, Mint chocolate chip, Regular vanilla, or cookie dough? - Mint chocolate chip.
11. What do you use to remove your makeup? - Nothing, since I usually don't wear any.
12. How often do you burn candles? - well...I... never. ; _ ; But I would want to~ I'm just too scared that my house will burn.....
13. What brand of nail polish do you usually use? - I don't use.
14. What did you last order online? - Hmm... I guess it was third Dexter dvd box... a loong time ago..
15. Do you have any specific hobbies? (candle making, scrapbooking, making bracelets or jewelry, knitting, model making, etc.) - writing letters and sending postcards? making surveys? sleeping? 8''')
16. How much money do you think you spend a week? - On this week super-much...... X___X'''
17. What’s a song you recently discovered that you want to tell everyone about? - One russian song which name I don't know. X'D
18. If you are in school, tell us something interesting that you learned in your classes or something that’s going on in general - I'm not in school right now. Haven't been in a while.
19. Favorite fall or winter accessory? - jacket, now that I have one ; u ; <3

1. When you find coins laying around outside, do you pick them up?
Usually yes.

2. Have you ever done surveys someplace other than your house?

3. Does anyone think it's weird and/or a waste of time that you do surveys?
I'm sure that there are people who think that.

4. How many hours do you think you could endure of listening to nothing but Sesame Street before you went bonkers?
If I'm tied up in small white room and there would be nothing else than the TV, I probably could endure it only one day. (I'm pretty good when it comes in enduring things) I would be probably watching the show with interest. XD

5. Do you ever watch old cartoons/television shows from your childhood for nostalgic purposes?
- Yes. ; u ;

6. Have you ever had to wash yourself with wet wipes because you didn't have access to a sink or shower?
No. XD

7. If you have Facebook, have you ever created an event? What was it for?
- Yes. It was for our Hetalia Larp. which we never held... . __ .

8. Have you ever fought over a toy with someone? Do you remember what it was?
HAHA Probably everyday when I was still a kid.

9. Rate your patience from 1 [terrible] to 10 [fantastic]:

10. Are you one to constantly check your inbox [whether it be on your phone, e-mail or a website]? How often are you disappointed to find
nothing new?
- YES. Especially RPG sites are one which I'm checking all the time.

11. How many words can you make out of 'Refrigerator Door'? Do you like word challenges like that?
A few

12. What is your view on letting infants watch television?
I watched tv a lot when I was infant and I would probably let mine watch too. Moomins of course. :3

13. Have you ever watched Hollywood Squares?
No ?

14. What is a show or movie you wish would be added to NetFlix's Watch Instantly?
I don't use NetFlix

15. Did you struggle much when transitioning from a tricycle to a bicycle?
I don't remember. But I've a feeling that it was easy.

16. Do you know any adults that have adult-sized tricycles?

17. What is one thing that you would be embarrassed if the person you liked found out about you?
- Oh there are lot's of these. 8'') One would probably be the fact that I live in apartment for mental health rehabbers..

18. If you could make it start raining any one item, excluding money, what would you pick?
- clothes which fits to me. I don't really have much of clothes and I'd love to get some new ones.. (money would be first if it wouldn't be excluded)

19. What is your favourite thing that begins with the letter F?

20. Have you ever watched an entire season of a show in one sitting?
YES. Though I made some food in the middle and used bathroom a few times.

21. Have you considered what gauged ears will look like as the person with them grows older?

22. Who was the last person to invite you out? Did you accept? And if so, where did you go?
- Laura, and yes I will be going......probably.

23. What do you usually do with money you are given as a birthday/holiday present? Do you prefer receiving money as a gift?
I don't get money as present 8I

24. If you watched Sesame Street as a kid, who was your favorite Muppet? What about from The Muppet Show?
I don't remember their names... * _ *' I only remember Elmo and cookie monster, so probably I liked them? ö _Ö

25. If someone offered you one of the following for free, which would you be more inclined to accept?
a pet miniature pig
a basic cell phone with basic functions <---
two pounds of potatoes
twelve dollars
1. Would you rather live in a place with all four seasons (snow and sun) or where it's sunny all the time?
I want all four seasons! :<

2. Are you one of those people who DOESN'T want to live in New York City?

3. What is one movie you remember watching as a kid that you didn't like?
Sleeping Beauty...

4. Have you read any good books lately? If so, what's it called?
Eragon *_*

5. What kind of tampons do you use, if you use tampons?

6. Do you get updates on your phone from MySpace/Facebook/twitter/etc?
- nope

7. Are you a part of the Twitter craze?
- no?

8. What is a word that you say wrong (you know you say it wrong) but can't seem to correct yourself of saying it right anyways?
- TOO MANY to choose... well, one is "Philosophical" I just can't get that right! X'D

9. Is there a song that makes you feel sad/upset, but you love it anyways?
FMA Brotherhood's Bratja. It makes me sad... ; _ ; but I love it.

10. Would you rather only eat veggies/fruits for a whole week or eat your favorite junk foods for a week straight?
- . . . junk food XD

11. What tv show do you miss that you used to watch as a kid, or a show that got cancelled?
kaukametsänpakolaiset!!! ;;; ___ ;;;;

12. If your boy/girlfriend asked you to masturbate in front of him/her, would you?
I don't have one 8S but probably not.

13. Do you know what college you want to go to? If so, which one?

14. Do you think animal printed jeans are stupid, tacky, or cute?
Depends of the person who is using the jeans. . 3 .

15. What's your favorite thing about the person you dislike the most in your English class?
- She were there only once. 8 )

16. Is there a movie/tv show/character that reminds you of your life/yourself? If so, which one?
- Welll....

17. What type of food or drinks make you sick every time you eat or drink it?
- humm... from drinks I hate the juices which has pulp in it DX And from foods..... cold cucumber soup. *throws up just from thinking of it*

18. Do you think it's hard to make a good survey, or easy?

19. If you had the choice, would you rather wear a dress or a skirt? If you're a guy, would you rather wear jeans or shorts?
Dress. Skirts on's wrong... (Tsc, like dress wouldn't be??)

20. Do you bring your own bag when you go shopping instead of getting a plastic bag, or do you just reuse the plastic bags?
It depends, if I go to buy food I'll bring my own plastic bag, but if I'm shopping for something else I mostly ask for the plastic bag...

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