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« Uudempi -

HUD<3Maanantai 30.08.2010 23:36

Sick with myself, but i've got no one else,
so i give it to myself it's the only thing that helps
it's the same thing this pain thing that keeps me from sleeping
and screaming that god i must be motha fucking dreaming
and i can rest in peace and atleast cease to be
cease to see those things in me that make me wanna cease to breath
and ceased to need and ceased to feed, sickness thats in me
this is all that I can be, i can't breath as I bleed

I dont know why I cut myself, god, give me a sign or help
I wont cry it'll be fine, I'll take my last breath
push it out my chest till theres nothing left

I know that my minds near the end, god, I hurt myself and fell
I wont cry it'll be fine, i'll take my last breath
push it out my chest till theres nothing left

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