


let the sunshine in

I love you, stupidLauantai 12.02.2011 01:17

You can be just a stupid horse,
but I must take care of you
and feed you,
of coure.
You can't speak
but you can show,
how do you feel
and I do know
that it can be hard
to live in this world.

You're just missunderstood little boy,
not just a useless toy,
allthough some people calls you
crazy sometimes
but believe me;
it is all lies.
Because I know
that you have a heart,
maybe a little small
but thats okay.

When I stopped eating
and nearly died,
you kept me alive
being with me in my mind
and then I realized that
the only thing what is true,
is this;
I will always love you.

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