


don't be a drag, just be a queen

The My Chemical Romance BibleTorstai 08.10.2009 20:44

Gerard Way puts the "laughter" in "manslaughter".
Mikey Way can slam revolving doors.
The chief export of Frank Iero is pain.
Mikey Way counted to infinity...twice.
Frank Iero can divide by Zero.
The grass is always greener on the other side. Unless Gerard Way has been there, then its soaked with tears and blood.
Frank Iero once visited the Virgin Islands. They are now The Islands.
Gerard Way sleeps with a night light. Not because Gerard Way is afraid of the dark, but the dark is afraid of Gerard Way.
Mikey Way is the reason Waldo is hiding.
A Tsunami is water running away from Bob Bryar.
Bob Bryar doesnt get brain freeze. Slurpees know when to back the fuck off.
Bob Bryar does not teabag the ladies. He potato-sacks them.
Mikey Way can speak braille.
Jeeves asks Ray Toro.
If Bob Bryar is late, time better slow the fuck down.
Geico saved 15% a year by switching to Gerard Way.
Ray Toro went back in time and stopped the JFK assination by catching the bullet in mid air. JFK's head just exploded in sheer amazement.
Gerard Way has to sort his laundry into three loads: darks, whites, and bloodstains.
The most effective form of suicide known to man is to type "Frank Iero" into Google and hit "I'm Feeling Lucky!"
Jesus walked on water. Gerard Way walked on Jesus.
When Frank Iero gives you the finger, he's telling you how many seconds you have left to live.
Gerard Way doesn't use pickup lines, he simply says, "Now."
Mikey Way is like a Tsunami, if you can see him coming it's already too late.
Bob Bryar ate the Stay Pufft Marshmallow man.
Ray Toro didn't vote for Pedro. He deported him.
When God said, "Let there be light", Gerard Way said, "say please."

:'D hajoon aina tolle toasterille.Torstai 08.10.2009 20:36

Definitely Gerard. Anyway one of your fans wanted to know how far you've gotten with Bert.

Gerard: Okay I haven't fucked him haven't sucked him or vice-versa. But I have seen him naked.

Frank: I think Bob and Ray left us.

Mikey: Wussies cant handle the sex talk

Gerard: You're one to be talking.

Mikey: FUCK YOU!






okay I think its safe to say that this interview is over.

Frank: On behalf of all the rest of MCR and myself WE'LL SEE YA AT THE SHOW!!!!

Gerard: GO FUCK A WHALE!!!!



iik ei gerttiä. Ja Frank vaihtaa puheenaihetta koska gert ei oo kivaa, okei on se mut frerru on paljon kivempaa. Ja Ray ja Bob lähti hanee :'D

JESSÖÖR frerrua ilmassa oawwTorstai 08.10.2009 20:34

Okay this ones for Frankie. Have you ever thought about one of your band mates in a sexual way and if so who?

Frank: Yes actually. But it was nothing too dirty or anything. I just-there was this one pair of pants he had that really showed off his ass and uh package.

Gerard: Yeah everyone knows Im sexy.

aww waycestiä ja mikey vajooTorstai 08.10.2009 20:34

OK a friend wanted to know what you really do in the shower.

Gerard: Well I take long hot pleasurable showers, and I touch and scrub my whole entire body.

Mikey: Ewwwww

Ray: Oh Mikey you've thought about that before

Mikey: Eeeeewwwww NO!

Gerard: Don't deny it!

Mikey: Shut up back to the question.

Gerard: That is part of the question.

Frank: you guys are fucked up.

Ray: Hey Mikey, dont you take toasters in the bath?

Gerard: YES he does!

Mikey: Well not anymore, every once in a while I do like to watch T.V. in the bath but I guess it's not a safe thing to do!

Frank: Youre such a dumbass!

:'D lol. ja taas uus ficci-idea 8DTorstai 08.10.2009 20:33

Okay new subject. Again I did not have anything to do with the making up of this question. Boxers, briefs, man thong, or commando?

Mikey: (laughing so hard he fell off the chair)


Gerard: FUCK YEAH!!!!!

Ray: boxers for me thanks.

Bob: No comment.

Mikey: AHHH hes commando aren't you?

Bob: like I said no comment.


hih samich. aww ihmisiä.Torstai 08.10.2009 20:32

So what's the meanest thing your band mates have ever done to you while on tour?

Ray: Dont even get me started the list could go on for hours.

Gerard: Come on. You know we pick on Mikey more than anyone.

Frank: We've all had our days.

Gerard:once you guys fucked up my samich and let me eat it.

I always thought it was sandwich

Gerard: When mikey was little he would say samich and it just kind of stuck.

Bob: tell her what they did to the sandwich!!!

Mikey: Oh God NOOO!!!!!

Gerard: I was making a tuna and whip cream samich and I left for a second to go check on something. When I came back my samich was no longer whip cream and tuna it was Mikey's cum and tuna. It was so fucking disgusting. I swear I'll get you back for that.

Mikey: Yeah and you did. I remember this one time when you and Frankie zipped me up in a sleeping bag and dumped me in the pool at that one Sheraton hotel because I wouldn't go up to that creepy floor with you guys.

What was so creepy about it?

Gerard: There was this fucking psycho Satanists cult up there and Mikey was scared shitless.

Ray: those guys were so cool.

Frank: there was this one guy who was chasing us around the floor they were on and shouting at us in latin. Or I think it was latin. We really pissed them off. I guess he was trying to curse us or something.

Do you guys believe in that kind of thing?

Gerard: well weve had a few incidents with an Ouijia board and we're all very superstitious.

Frank: don't go walking under ladders.

lol :'DTorstai 08.10.2009 20:31

Just so you know I didnt come up with this one: Which would you rather do impregnate a cow or eat road kill squirrel?

Frank: Are there any alternate answers?

Gerard: I'd rather eat road kill anything than get near a cow.

Mikey: he hates cows. But seriously eating a road kill squirrel? That would be just plain weird. And disgusting.

Gerard: Cows smell like shit.

Frank: How about neither.

Ray: C'mon Frankie you know you wanna fuck a cow or two.


Bob: Dude impregnating a cow just means you stick-

Mikey: EEEEWWWW!!!!!KEEP IT PG-13!!!PG-13!!!!!

aww Bob.Torstai 08.10.2009 20:30

Okay guys these are some tough questions you up for it?

Gerard: Go for it

Frankie: Shoot

Skittles or M&Ms?


Gerard: wow uh, yeah have to agree with Mikey on that. Skittles all the way.

Frank: I prefer sweet stuff over chocolate anytime.

Ray: Dude no way M&Ms are way better

Frank: But they all taste the same!!!! Put some variety in your life man!!!!

Bob: Gummy bears

Gerard: Dumbass that wasn't one of the choices

Bob: ..oh well it is now.

jaa-a, enpäs Frank tiiäTorstai 08.10.2009 20:28

Frank: Has goldfinger ever seen any mooses?

Mikey: That's not the plural of's moosi.

Gerard: Fuck off. It's meese.

Frank: Has goldfinger ever seen a flock of meese advancing on him? It's a terrifying sight, They aren't small creatures. You would just run off like a boy or a girl. What does running like a girl mean anyway?

go MikeyTorstai 08.10.2009 20:25

Question: Which one of your band mates is most likely to accidentally stick a fork in a toaster?

Frank: Mikey.

Mikey: That would be me.

Gerard: I would definately be the one yelling. I think we're all very protective of Mikey for things like sticking forks in toasters.

Frank: It's funny because when we were recording, me and Mikey lived together and I would go to Gerard after and be like "I can't believe he did this today."

Mikey: Yeah, I would leave the tea on overnight.

Frank: God forbid that kid ever lives alone!

Gerard: He had to promise he would watch him because he likes to do this thing where he takes a heater into the shower and plugs it in...

Frank: Oh God!

Gerard: ...and there's water everywhere.

Mikey: I did that one time...

Gerard: And what about the times with the radio?

Mikey:...and I was pretty warm when I did it though.

Gerard: People, even though Mikey does stupid shit, that doesn't mean you can. Please don't stick forks in toasters or take heaters into the shower. Thanks! I guess this means that I care about all of you MCR fans...