
There are five people in myTiistai 04.09.2018 10:39

There are five people in my family, father, mother, brother, me and sister. Because of our different hobbies, there are many interesting things happening in lifeo. 1: "Bomb type" dadHey, my dad will smoke when he is angry. "Wang Ting, and quarrel with his sister?" "Wang Ting, how can I watch TV?" Look, Dad is smoking again! Dad is sometimes very fierce <a href="">Carton Of Newports</a>, but sometimes very kind! In fact, I know that Dad is so fierce to me to make me obedient, let me study hard! Dad is so good!No. 2: " momI have a mother who loves you, and she keeps screaming all day long. Sometimes, I think her "" is very beautiful, like a bird's voice. Sometimes, I think is very harsh, like the noise flowing in the air. "Watching Ting, pay attention to safety!" "Wang Ting <a href="">How Much Is A Carton Of Newports</a>, with a key?" Although my mother is very embarrassed, but also for me! Mom is the best!No. 3: "Wan Shi Tong" brothery elder brother will have any questions, and mathematics is the best. Ask him math questions, he will all! "Brother, 999x222+333x334, how simple is it?" "This way, first count..." Well, it is my "Master of All" brother! so smart! Haha! In fact, he is still my private teacher!No. 4: "Glutton" IHaha! Come to me! Hello everyone <a href="">Newport Cigarettes Price</a>, I am the famous "Glutton" in my family! Every night, I will clean the refrigerator! Cookies, drinks, fruit and ice cream are my favorites! After all, I am still a "cleaner" in my family! However, it is a "food cleaner"! Haha!No. 5: "The Trick or Treat" sisterUgh! My sister is a real "fucker" in my family! "Yeah! The clothes are broken again?" "Ah <a href="">Cigarette Online</a>, spider!" Hey! From the scream of my mom, I knew that my family��s ��tricks�� started working again!ey! Our family is really lively!The annual Children's Day is finally ushered in our cheers and applause! On this day, we dressed in neat school uniforms, wearing bright red scarves, and came to school happily.The host stood on the stage and waited for us to arrive. The tranquility of the campus was broken by the laughter of everyone <a href="">Cheap Marlboro Cigarettes</a>. Everyone smiled and looked at the stage with meticulous attention to the stage, looking forward to the wonderful performances of the actors. Next, we all listened to the principal's speech. "In order to welcome the arrival of Children's Day, our school held a grand Children's Day party." This sentence is deeply imprinted in my mind. The first program came with a "open door". The actors wore yellow clothes with colorful ribbons on their feet. Jumping up and dancing in a variety of poses, people are so crazy! The second program is to let us welcome the mouse to steal the oil to eat this program: a rat king went to inspect the movement of Elvis Presley, only to see Elvis is sleeping, the Rat King blows the order, the little mice will come out, their shoulders Straight shoulders, feet on the feet, while doing exercise and eating oil. The show is more exciting than one. unconsciously,t��s already more than 5 o'clock, I really hope that time can stop at the moment that belongs to us. After the party ended, everyone left the auditorium with an unattended mood. I am very, very happy today. I really hope that there will be a Children's Day on June 1 every month. Hahaha!

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