


Hallo !! It's been VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERY long time, I had listening to Tokio Hotel, but everytime when I wanna listen it, it's always "Ready, Set, Go !" -song x3 nyan nyan~ I just LOVE it still ...
and I'm not ashame to listen to them, so FUCK OFF >;3 It was really my one of the best fan seasons when I listened them more than nowadays, but gotta say for dudes, KEEP ROCKING!!! I'm still a fan even some years ago I was like "I had enough of this damn ....AAAAGH!!" but no, I can't hate them ...I love ya guys and ok, also you Gustav; SO SHUT THE FUCK UP DUDE xD (ok nothing personal..*coughs*)

and what's that "TEHOT" ? - me and my cousin in old good days, get this idea actually it was first our some kind of joke before we really fall for THs :'') then we were like always "IT'S TEHO TIME !!!! YEAAAAHH ROOOCCCCKKKK !!! YE-YEEEEEEAAAHHHH!!"
My cousin was like: "BILL I LOVE YOU!!" and me:"STFUP!!! TOM YOU'RE THE BEST !!! I LOVE YA DUUUUDE !! OH YEAH!!! AND I LOVE Sh-..shoosi(Georg) too" xD yeah, somehow I end up to call Georg as Shoosi o_O I dunno why, but back then it sounded so cute xD

SO YES TH are still ROCKING~ lala laa~ RAAAWR ...(!?! XD)

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