


I wish I could believe you

-Tiistai 20.03.2012 00:01

I hate this feeling right now, while you are away.
but remember, I love you always.

When I'm alone, I do not think about my loneliness, it's just a feeling, I think that I die.
But rather I die, when I live without you,

the air that I breathe, is like a poison, I feel only pain and suffering.
Come and save me, I'm tired of crying.

I know how the heart stops beating, still waiting for a miracle.
I do not want you to always leaving.

When I smile, a knife cut my skin.
I wait while, and I give up, the pain is the only thing that makes me laugh.

I know, I'm going crazy .. because I still am waiting for you at home .. I know you do not come anymore.

this is a sad, sad story.
And it does not relate to love songs, just only the pain that you did to me

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