

-YouKnowMyName- come and buy my new single=)

reflections of the past and coming yearSunnuntai 31.12.2006 14:58

So, this is the time of the changing we say
It's the time we say goodbye to what was, and to start over with
blank papers and resharpened pencils.
So what happened to me in 2006:

i was thinking of taking it step by step, but here's some of the most important events of 2006

i found welding to become even a passion of mine and my backup plan if all the music stuff goes to hell
i broke up with my long-time girlfriend...
i met a couple of other girls and got deeply hurt
my aunt tried to rape me
i got accused of all kind's of things it's not possible that i'd do
i wrote a lot of good songs after getting inspired by someone
had some failed business startup attempts because of school and various personal issues coming in the way, it's back up, though...
finally got my ass of the sofa and started exercising again...
i relocated to turku...shipbuilding is kinda cool=)

i learned that trust and honesty is the road to get punished
so whats my overall view of the past year?

so, it's time to look ahead and what awaits me?
i wish i knew
what would i like to accomplish during 2007?
get to work as soon as possible in the beginning of the year
get the underground project really well under way
make enough money to be a skibum/backpacker next winter
try and restore my faith in humanity
get a lot of music stuff done and hopefully get some gigs done too
quit smoking
get my body back in mint condition
work hard on my guitar playing skills
get rid of my debts
im going to get the happiness and joy that i deserve
independent of others
no more mr. nice guy...nice guys finish last, it's been proven at lot this year...

i guess all i wanna say that, happy fucking new year!!!

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