


"Not just yet..."

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 25.07.2008 12:58

We are young, and we are bored.
We are images from the past that has no future.
We are tired of waking up and still we don't want to sleep.
We are all the opposites of normal but still we want to fit in.
We are filled with the sweet feeling of martyrdom - the same feeling we hate.

You are the antidote that fills us with the bitter taste of truth.
And we don't care cause we are the truth.
We don't understand ourselves. It would only drive us crazy.
It's better to keep up the fake image we've built around our lives.
And close our eyes when something that does'nt go along our illusion happens.

Follow us. Feel the power. Let yourself go.
All that matters is what actually does'nt matter.
Your imagination will guide you.
We'll see some of the world's most amazing things.
We will feel something that happens only once in a million years.

And we will still be fucking bored.

It's the modified circle of life.

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