


Husut popsii porkkanaa...

© Seven Day Rhapsody - The Last SunriseKeskiviikko 12.03.2008 23:46

She kiss my last time,
I turn around and look to last sunrise
It´s time to say goodbye,
this is the end of all my life.
Beautiful sunrise, the red sky.
Friends are gone,
I´m alone in the world.
Now i say last time: I love you

Whole world are fell to dark
the pain, is so heavy, heart will die
I cry, and I didn´d got answer
Alone in the dark, fell to deep shaft


All what i said is for love
Now is your turn to bring the life back
Everything is gone, I see it
It´s too late, to do everything
time is right, no light.
We gived all, but we still be true heroes

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