


is just a figment of your imagination

30 Days of Supernatural - Day 30Maanantai 07.03.2011 19:24

Day 30 - Anything SPN related


1. Always have salt in your home
(Sam: "What kind of a house doesn't have salt? Low sodium freaks!")

2. Unicorns are real
(Dean: "I hear that they ride on silver moonbeams, and that they shoot rainbows out of their ass!")

3. Gay love fixes everything
(Ed: "Here we were, thinking we were teaching you, and all this time you were teaching us... About heart, about dedication, and… About how gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day.")

4. Clowns are evil sons of bitches
(Sam: "At least I'm not afraid of flying."
Dean: "Planes crash, Sam!"
Sam: "And apparently clowns kill!")

5. In this iPod age, Walkmans are still useful for many things
(Sam: "Yeah, I know what an EMF Meter is, but why does that one look like a busted up walkman?"
Dean: "Cause that's what I made it out of. It's homemade.")

6. When feeling distressed, distract yourself with your favourite songs
(Sam: "Are you humming Metallica?"
Dean: "Calms me down.")

7. Teach children the importance of good rock bands
(Dean: "Alright, if you're gonna be talking now, this is a very important phrase, so I want you to repeat it one more time."
Lucas: "Zeppelin rules!"
Dean: "That's right. Up high.")

8. When all else fails, Molotov cocktails are the way to go
(Lucifer: "Castiel, did you just Molotov my brother... with Holy Fire?")

9. Lying can get you anywhere
(Dean: "You're serious? You're gonna walk in there and tell him the truth?"
Castiel: "Why not?"
Dean: "Because... we're humans. And when humans want something, really really bad... we lie."
Castiel: "Why?"
Dean: "Because... that's how you become president.")

10. Chuck Shurley is God
(Chuck: "Well, there's only one explanation. Obviously, I'm a god.")

30 Days of Supernatural - Day 29Keskiviikko 02.03.2011 01:30

Day 29 - Your favourite SPN fanfic

Title: Laughing Dean
Author: evil_knitter
Rating: G
Characters: Dean, Castiel, Sam, Bobby, Chuck, Gabriel
Spoilers: None, so long as you're down with the angels
Warnings: Straight up CRACK
Summary: Dean laughs. His friends enjoy it.
"Do we play to the death?" Cas asked, alarm coloring his cheeks. "I do not wish to kill Dean. Or Gabriel."

Sam pinched the bridge of his nose and counted to ten.

"You don’t mind killing Bobby?" Chuck asked. Sam counted to twenty.

"I will kill him if it is necessary," Cas said with all the seriousness befitting his stuffy angelic self. "Sam, can we win if we only kill Bobby?"


Well, this isn't exactly my favourite fic, but this is galleria, so I decided to go with something neutral, simple and innocent. This fic, being the only neutral, simple and innocent thing that I found from my archives, gets to have the honours.

I came across this piece of fanfiction very late at night and, being totally sleep deprived, I laughed myself silly while reading it. I think there might've been something really depressing going on in the actual TV show at the moment, so reading this totally lifted my spirit.


30 Days of Supernatural - Day 28Maanantai 28.02.2011 21:45

Day 28 - Your favorite season finale

I lost my night's sleep over this. I mean, c'mon, it's fuckin' Hell. And Dean's in there, hanging from metal hooks that pierce through his skin, screaming for Sammy. And the hanging and torturing went on for 30 years.

Nothing wrong with character torture; stab them, strangle them, make them bleed, make them cry. But sometimes I think that Kripke might enjoy making the guys lives (and afterlives) as shitty as possible a little bit too much.

30 Days of Supernatural - Day 27Maanantai 28.02.2011 00:30

Day 27 - Your favorite season intro episode
S4 E1 - Lazarus Rising
Dean comes back from the dead!
The mysterious handprint!
Dean reunites with Bobby and Sam!
(It seems like) Sam's finally getting laid!
Mysterious guy in a trench coat!
Mysterious guy turns out to be Castiel, Angel of the Lord!
Dean and Castiel bring eye-fucking to a whole new level!
"I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition."

30 Days of Supernatural - Day 26Keskiviikko 23.02.2011 23:02

Day 26 - Your favourite SPN fanvid

I don't watch fan-made videos all that much, 'cause usually they're just terrible. It's a pain in the ass trying to find the good ones amongst the ones that are just shittily made. However, I do have two vids that I seriously love:

1. Castiel The Motion Picture - Official Trailer

This one's so well made you gotta watch it to believe it. If I remember correctly, this girl (badhalo) did the video with her boyfriend, who are both studying filmmaking.

It's a trailer for Castiel's own movie. Made me sad that it's only a fan-made one, 'cause I would love to see this film for real.

2. Like You Never Had Wings

Summary: When an angel falls, it's impossible to know when they'll crash.

This video shows us the first steps of Castiel's drug abuse (the story's linked to Croatoan!Verse from the episode The End). The song playing is Deftones' Change (In the House of Flies), and I really much like Deftones' music and that song especially is fucking amazing. And the clips with the pill bottles are taken from House M.D., and I totally approve of House.

The video's made by 404ing. Check out her other works also, 'cause they're all pretty awesome.

30 Days of Supernatural - Day 25Keskiviikko 23.02.2011 05:41

Day 25 - Something that you wish happened but didn't

Castiel trying out those pizza delivery man moves on Dean (I got a one track-mind, I know).

And if the show had not been continued to 6th season, I would've loved it if Sam and Dean had both died at the end of season 5 in some really epic, tragic, heart breaking way, the episode coming to a close with "Stairway to Heaven" blasting away (because Led Zeppelin is Dean's favourite band, but 'cause the usage of their songs cost so much, they've never played any on the show. I figured they could go a little over the budget if the whole thing was ending anyway).

...Sunnuntai 20.02.2011 23:20

On käynyt mielessä, että ehkä olisi jotain huolestumisen aihetta, kun ainut ihminen jonka ajatusmaailmaan ja ideologiaan mä pystyn täysin samaistumaan on rocktähti, joka oli itsetuhoinen, alkoholisoitunut ja syömishäiriöstä kärsivä, ja joka kolmentoista vuoden kadoksissa olemisen jälkeen viimein julistettiin "virallisesti kuolleeksi" vuonna 2008.

Miten tämä poikkeaa itsestäni tai muista tuntemistani ihmisistä? Siten, että Richeyllä oli taito pukea elämä sanoiksi.

30 Days of Supernatural - Day 24Sunnuntai 20.02.2011 20:32

Day 24 - An episode you wish never happened

Umh... Let's just say 6th season's first episode, 'cause I would've been quite content if the whole thing had just come to a conclusion during the 5th season.

Also, "Bugs" from season 1 is a really shitty episode too. The ending's just... horrible.

30 Days of Supernatural - Day 23Torstai 17.02.2011 17:52

Day 23 - The character that is most like you
I did three "which one are you?" tests: character, bad guy and angel. I choce the angel one's result, 'cause Lucifer's cool.

30 Days of Supernatural - Day 22Maanantai 14.02.2011 23:28

Day 22 - Your favourite minor character
(a.k.a. Fergus Roderick McLeod)
(formerly King of the Crossroads, later King of Hell)

Dean: "Uh-huh. Okay, and why, exactly would you want the Devil dead?"
Crowley: "It's called survival. But I forgot, you two at best are functional morons."
Dean: "Yeah, you're functioning morons... more."
Dean: "Uh, excuse me for asking, but aren't you kinda signing your own death warrant? I mean, what happens to you if we go up against the Devil and lose?"
Crowley: "Number one, he's gonna wipe us all out anyway, two, after you leave here I go on an extended vacation to all points nowhere, and three, HOW ABOUT YOU DON'T MISS, OKAY? MORONS!"
Crowley's a smug bastard. I love him <3