


rakastaa rakkautta ja halaa hulluja

Elämänilo - The joy for life.Torstai 05.02.2009 14:55

Sometimes you want
and sometimes you don't

But the desire keeps inside you

When you have once awakened the thirst of life, it will newer go away.
You would have to dig a hole just for it, then bind it with a huge amount of ducttape and throw it in the hole with some nasty angry horrible words, spit on it, and then cover it with shit, fire and vomit.

Otherwise it will keep with you.

It will grip you tight.
It will never let go, and it will always make you remember how
positively absolutely extraordinarily gorgeous
life is.

Life is great.
Life is the best.

The most awesome thing you can do is to be in this moment. Embrace it. Feel it.

This is now.

What else do you need?

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