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Interesting..Lauantai 28.02.2009 09:31

I've been living my life quite normally, every girl hates herself
somewhere on the way of growing up.
But that hate's disappearing now.
Well, not disappearing, but fading into the background.
I don't notice it much anymore.

Instead of seeing just me and my selfloath,
I see different things, like other people and that they are the same as me.
Other people who has the same feelings I have.
Hate, love, adoring, confusion, lonelyness.

I see some people from another angle.
And I notice, that maybe I can't see everything about them
only by looking at them.
They have they're own personalities, fantasies, dreams...

And I've started to understand myself better.
I've been living a lonely life wrecklessly, with no direction.
I have to start to think about my future.

Finally my eyes are opening.
This has happened once before, but it came too suddenly,
and I wasn't ready for it and flipped out.
I drew back inside my shell, behind my walls, and I locked the door.
No one weren't able to break through.
Now, when I slowly peek behind the door, it comes with a natural speed,
and I have some time to get used to the changes.

Have you ever had this experience?
When it's like you've been hiding in the shadows without noticing it yourself,
and when you light up a candle, you start to see things you've never seen before.
After your eyes has gotten used to the hollow light that candle makes,
you light up another candle.
And after awhile, you see things clearly.
It just takes time to get used to the sudden changes.

And that feeling makes you happy. It gives you optimistic energy
that gets you through the day.

Maybe these feelings are becouse it's spring and summer is coming..
But I'm glad, that I'm no longer completely in the shadows anymore.

Watch out people, I'm on my way!

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