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Now I see the way
It looks like Purple Line
Gotta introduce myself

If I can't touch the world
If I can't feel the world
If I can't understand it
How can I understand myself?

I really wanna touch myself
But it's useless to wish for miracles

If what you say is true
I must act again
Right now!

Purple line let me set up my world!
My world!
No one can come this way!
I'll live by my own laws
And no one will defy me!

I want to quicken my progression
Becouse even with a caotic mind
I can still fight
And conquer purple line!

As a new challenge rises
my knowledge grows
I've been powerless until now
But no longer

I can't defeat it right now
But time will grant more chances
I'm hurt and tired
But this isn't the end!

Purple line let me set up my world!
My world!
No one can come this way!
I'll live by my own laws
And no one will defy me!

I want to quicken my progression
Becouse even with a caotic mind
I can still fight
and conwuer purple line!

I remember a proud moment in the past
An abandoned memory
Like a faded video
As if my life was a movie

It has begun again
My second confrontation
A day more glorious than yesterday
Is being born

Check it!

Think again, act again
You must be loving the way
All your dreams and passions
All the things that you do
Keep on working like that
Never accept defeat!
You are your only guide
Show it!
You can't be weak

The world is black and white
Filled with conflicting beliefs
Like north and south
Face each other
With your opposite beliefs

I want to blaze a new road
I want to draw a new world
We gotta purple like that
My time is still going on

Purple line let me set up my world!
My world!
No one can come this way!
I'll live by my own laws
And no one will defy me!

I want to quicker my progression
Becouse even with a caotic mind
I can still fight
and conquer purple line!

Purple line let me set up my world!
No one can come this way!
I'll live by my own laws
And no one will defy me!

I want to quicker my progression
Becouse even now
I can still fight
and conquer purple line!

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