


has a serious attitude(problem).

Bleeding for the CureTorstai 23.07.2009 02:24

You’re holding all the pain inside
And you’re thinkin’ about the end to come
It seems to be the only thing for you what’s real
So, you feel that you’ve become
Too cynical to live your life
And you believe that there is no way to be free

So, you’re losin’ all your time
To figure out what’s wrong and right
But, I believe that you have more than this to give
Well, it’s not me who will decide
Who’s lovin’ who and what is right
Because it’s you who has the power to forgive

You’re blessed to cry
As you change your point of view
And you lead your fears to burn
You’re blessed to fly
And able to return
When you’re bleeding for the cure

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