



[Ei aihetta]Torstai 14.06.2007 06:47

A mannequin with no logical form. Breaths without lungs. Walks with four legs, talks about itself. Oh, how it loves sunny days.

Twitch. Day is turning from black to white, and white to black. Twitch after twitch, it crawls itself to do the same thing as every day. Ground burns under it's soft touch.

- Raining. Nothing to do. Just taking pills and floating back to dreamland. If im not me, who is I?

- Still raining. Doors opening and closing. Things walking around me, talking. I can't hear them. Im higher.

- Raining, as always. Moving higher. I took the key. Puppets trying to stop me. Screaming, mumbling, talking, yelling. Mark inside me is growing. It makes air darker.

- Sunny. Doctor said i can see my family today. I don't want to. Im not myself anymore. If im good only when drugged, why should i bother to see anyone? They are closing. I think it's --



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