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[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 26.12.2006 03:23

Koska mä taas tykkäilen repeillä Lady_Laiholle:

"Yeah, i know and i don't get why Alexi just doesn't divorce her already but when he meets me and when the time comes to marry me, he'll officailly break up with her. I will get him no matter what. The day will come someday and Alexi will love me with all his heart."

"I'm hot enough for Alexi. He'll looooooove me very, very much. When i meet him, he's not going to turn me down."

"i wish i could be Alexi' angel. I wish my fantasies would come true but it only comes true in my dreams. OMFG, a few days ago, i dreamed that i was at a Bodom show, i had front row and Alexi touched my hand for a while. Then i tryed to kiss him and he kissed me!!!! *faints* Maybe it will happen."

Oikeesti, sai taas illan naurut. xD

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