
<3~ Keskiviikko 03.12.2008 13:30

I lived my life in shadow,
Never the sun on my face.
It didn't seem so sad though,
I figured that was my place

Now I'm bathed in light
Something just isn't right

I'm under your spell
How else could it be
Anyone would notice me

It's magic I can tell
How you set me free
Brought me out so easily

I saw a world enchanted
Spirits and charms in the air
I always took for granted
I was the only one there

But your powers shone
Brighter than any I've known

I'm under your spell
Nothing I could do
You just took my soul with you

You worked your charm so well
Suddenly I knew
Everything I dreamed was true

You made me believe

The moon to the tide
I can feel you inside

I'm under your spell
Surging like the sea
Wanting you so helplessly

I brink with every swell
Lost in ecstasy
Spread beneath my willow tree

You make me complete!

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