
SuccubusTorstai 20.03.2008 02:57

A clouded moon
watching over us.
My figure in the freezing outside air.
You're my succubus.
After all you do not even care.

Carrying me over hundreds of miles
You were so lovely, caring and kind
Sharing with me your stillborn smiles
You stood there before me to leave me behind.

I think you didn't even know yourself
So how could you begin to comprehend me?
Piles of soulless bodies left behind
And yet you killed each one accidentally.

A starless sky
Filled with emptiness.
The liberating feel of sympathy.
brings an end to this.
And rids me from the signs of apathy.

Once you see there's no one at your side
Awaken to their muted rage.
And once there's no more strength to hide
It marks the ending of your age.

(C) Juho Tuovila 2008

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