


fuck you ↑ you ↖ you ↗ you ↙ you → you ↓ you ↩ you ↪ you ↬ you ↫ you ↪...

Valentine's Day... Paintings In RedLauantai 14.02.2009 16:32

"Something in your eyes keeps haunting me
I'm trying to escape you
And I know there ain't no way to
To chase you from my mind

I've still got your face
Painted on my heart!
Scrawled upon my soul
Etched upon my memory baby
I've got your kiss
Still burning on my lips
The touch of my fingertips
Is love so deep inside of me, baby

I've still got your face!
I've still got your face!

Painted On My Heart
Painted On My Heart
Painted On My Heart..."

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