


ei enää kestä

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 07.11.2007 19:32

I can no longer see
Yet you're always on my mind
And I don't regret my sacrifice
But somehow it seems
Like you're the one who's blind
Because it feels like nothing I do
Is good enough for you
All I do is cry now
I am literally in the dark
But you aren't here
to kiss away my tears
Because you are the one
who is making them fall
Please come find me
I feel so alone
I want to be in your arms
Where I always felt at home
I wish you would stop telling me
that you hate me
Because it's another wound
to my heart
You hurt me so much
Please stop tearing me apart
For how can you break something
that's already been broken?
I long for your approval
I crave for your touch
A simple caress will send me to heaven
I love you so much
But one thing you can't see
Is what I long for the most
And you know what that is?
It's for you to love me

ficistä Love Me for the Beauty Within
kirjoittaja Picca

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