


kun pää käskee juosta, minä kipitän.... muutaman metrin

whisper of heartMaanantai 11.02.2008 00:37

This world was never fated
By gods created
It will never be recovered
After what we have done on it.

Wish the people could realize
That the earth is peaceable
So with the ground and sky,
It battles humankind with its own fire-arms.

Listen to your whisper of your heart,
Listen to your conscience of your .
People make a stand and finish fighting
You are killing animals and nature by hunting
Listen the whisper of your heart
Is that what it tells you to do?

Listen, listen the mother earth
her powers get lower every day and night.
No winter no day light
Animals are vanishing by races and spices.
Some morning in future sun won't arise.

Listen to your whisper of your heart,
Listen to your conscience of your .
People make a stand and finish fighting
You are killing animals and nature by hunting
Listen the whisper of your heart
Is that what it tells you to do?

People open your blind eyes
You show foolishness
humiliate the human race.
Unless in other case, blind eyes will be opened for a new day and time

Listen to your whisper of your heart,
Listen to your conscience of your .
People make a stand and finish fighting
You are killing animals and nature by hunting
Listen the whisper of your heart
Is that what it tells you to do?

Listen what does tell your heart

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