


Maybe we'll someday grow. Till then just sit your drunk ass on that fucking runway hoe!

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 04.04.2009 02:59

elämä on ku texas hold'em=
aina haluis kattoo loppuun asti vaikkei oliskaan varaa.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 03.04.2009 18:24

__$$$$$$___$$$$__$$$$___$$___$$____$$$$$____$$____$$__ ____$$____$$$$$$$$$$$$__$$___$$___$$___$$___$$____$$__ ____$$_____$$$$$$$$$$___$$___$$__$$_____$$__$$____$$__ ____$$______$$$$$$$$____$$___$$__$$_____$$__$$____$$__ ____$$_______$$$$$$______$$_$$___$$_____$$__$$____$$__ ____$$________$$$$_________$______$$___$$___$$____$$__ __$$$$$$_______$$__________$_______$$$$$_____$$$$$$___

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 03.04.2009 16:11

oli mopokortin teoriakoe ja pääsin LÄPI :DDD
so happy about it!

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 02.04.2009 19:57

i don't why this is going to happen to us...
i can't see what i've done wrong?
maybe we solve this BIG problem and after that things go as they supposed to go by fate.
all i beg is understanding, and trust. if that's too much maybe i have to try to make solution
to this.
because there is only YES and NO there are no maybes or i don't know things left.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 30.03.2009 16:39


[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 27.03.2009 20:18

mua ei panna halvalla, tässä asiassa!

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 27.03.2009 20:05

toi ei oo reiluu et kusettaa kaikkii!

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 27.03.2009 11:33

särkylääke pula!!!!!!!!!!!! mun pää räjähtää vitullinen hedari :S

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 26.03.2009 10:05

lääkäriin... ties vaikka ois angiina vai mikä lieneekä... 4:s päivä kuumetta, huiput päälle 39,6... kunpa tää jo loppuis :S

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 23.03.2009 19:10

I'ts WRONG what you're doing, and i'm much against it!