


Truth is written in blood, Sanity is written in ink.

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Kuppija kuppija<3Sunnuntai 04.10.2009 00:30

ja maistuu<23456789

xoxo ;))

Hyväääää Huomentaa !Lauantai 03.10.2009 08:30


[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 03.10.2009 02:56

If you can't live without me, why aren't you dead yet?

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 01.10.2009 05:20

"Hell wants her. Heaven won't take her. Earth needs her"
Sydämellisyys ja empaattisuus

Olet herkkä, tunteellinen, herttainen ja lempeä henkilö, joka sulattaa kovimmankin rautasydämen. Otat aina ihmiset ympärilläsi huomioon, tuet, kannustat ja rohkaiset heitä. Et koskaan jätä heitä yksin. Sisimmältäsi olet yhdistelmä pehmeää pumpulia, lämpimiä halauksia ja huolehtivia hymyjä. Sisäinen kauneutesi on taianomaista, sillä se saa jokaisen ihmisen tuntemaan jotakin merkityksellistä - nimittäin sen, että he ovat tärkeitä ja elämä on elämisen arvoista. Löydät jokaisesta jotakin hyvää ja ymmärrät ihmisten inhimillisyyden ja erilaisuuden. Luot ympärillesi harmoniaa ja puhdasta hyvyyttä, mikä ihastuttaa.

Not enough.Keskiviikko 30.09.2009 22:07

You came along. I didn't know of love. But now I know that sometimes. it's just not enough..

Its my ego, that wont let me bow down..Tiistai 29.09.2009 23:27




Even pelottavaa..

Silti pitkästä aikaa niin..



I'm a warrior princess
Out of control eyes of an eagle
fly overhead, I see you coming'
lioness ride out to hunt my prize
its my ego, that wont let me bow down

ayee, ayee, ayee, ayee, ay
life is like a jungle
are you brave enough to walk in it?
ayee, ayee, ayee, ayee, ay
go around the circles
till you build your prowl

are you wild and dirty like an animal?
can you growl and scream like an animal?
baby go, go, go like an animal

tear it up, make a mess like an animal
animal, animal, animal
deep inside you, is there animal?
let it out, animal, be a beast about it

let me out of my cage
cant you see I'm untamed
I'm like a wildcat
I smell your fear, I see you running
taste a heaviest poison, one kiss on my lips
I'm pretty evil, savage beauty inside..

awww^^Tiistai 29.09.2009 04:46

In a dream, Will you give your love to me.
Beg my broken heart to beat,
Save my life, change my mind?
I'm looking for a lover not a friend
Somebody who can be there when I need someone to talk to
I'm looking for someone who won't pretend
Somebody not afraid to say the way they feel about you

And I'm looking for someone who understands how I feel,
Someone who can keep me real and who knows always
Baby I like to have you in my way
And I'm looking for someone who takes me there,
Wants to share, shows he cares
Thinking on the one that I've been waiting for

Is it you? is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me? (could you be?)
Could you be the one I need?

I'm looking for someone to share my pain (uh)
Someone who I can run to, who would stay with me when it rains
Someone who I can cry with trough the night
Someone who I can trust who's hardest right
And I'm looking for someone

And I'm looking for someone who understands how I feel,
Someone who can keep me real and who knows always
Baby I like to have you in my way
And I'm looking for someone who takes me there,
Want to share, shows he cares
Thinking on the one that I've been waiting for

Take for grant
How much I care (how much I care)
And appreciates that I'm there
Someone who listens
And someone I can call who isn't afraid of thought to share..

Is it you? is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 28.09.2009 23:00

Elämä on kuin rubikin kuutio.. jos se rupeaa vituttamaan sinua, maalaa kaikki seinämät saman värisiksi.