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Story...Lauantai 22.11.2008 16:23

Max Myers and his TFS-109

Yo!! Have you ever thought what would happen if a guy, who plays too much Halo, watch too much terminator movies and hates other humans who calls them self furries and dress in their stupid fur suits which looks ridiculous to him.

Well Max Myers is one of these few peoples, he is 30 years old man whit average height, short black hair and unusual black eyes. Which means that his pupils were black as his irises. Now 10 years ago Max decided to buy lottery ticket because he just had this strange felling in his ass and you might think that why in his ass.. because he had a special ass.. xD hahaha lame joke.. "cough back on the story" now after he had bought the ticket he went back at his place which was small house for a lone man.

Later that night you could have seen Max Myers gaping while looking between the screen of tv and his lotto ticket. He had won 5 000 000 000 euros and was too shocked to say anything and now he thought that he had a chance to make his dream come true, to create ultimate fighting suit. Why did he want this you might ask, because he was a fan of marshal art and he liked it so much that he did always when he had free time.

And now that he had the recourses he would start building the suit, he didn't need anybody else to help because he was a kind of genius himself so our 20 year old Max started to make his dream come true.

Time skip 10 years...

Now 30 years old Max Myers was sitting in work room while going thrue last check ups for his suit, whit a happy sigh he tossed the clipboard to the side to admire his handy work.

The suit looked like an anthro wolf and why it was looking like a fur suit, well because he was going to give those stupid furries something to gape at. Now the suit was called TFS-109, it was black furred whit red long furred stripe going from the fore head at the tip of the tail. The suit had same properties as the suit of spartan from the Halo, it could whistand any bullets and any cannons in the earth, but it didn't whistand any high heated plasma cannons, well he didn't have to worry about that in 2000 century because bullets were in. Now it was the skeleton of the suit which was made to remind those spartan suits, but the outer layer was made like the terminator skin from the terminator movie it was living tissue boosted whit latest nano robot which would keep the skin from rotting while repairing it if any damage could happen. The suit was controlled by another suit which was made from black spandex, it was like the suit from tuxedo movies millions of these small electrical thingies connecting whit you nerves when you dressed the spandex on and it would cover your whole body but not eyes, the material of the suit was self cooling, durable, stretchable and easy to breath.

So whit out any other thought Max took of his clothes leaving him self naked in the room, the he dressed on the spandex until nothing but his eyes were visible. Which made him grin and turn to look at the main suit. Now you might think that how the hell you dress your super suit on.. Well it was easy when the chest of the suit was open and the head of the suit was upwards and you could see a hole in the head made for human head sized.

Max started to climb in the suit until he was in so that the hand and legs were movable then he laid the suit head on his head. "Activate TFS-109." Max said making the black screen in the helmet of the suit flash in the life, then came the strangest part. The chest and the neck of the suit closed and the nanos knitted the skin together making it look like there was nothing else that a furry wolf anthro standing in middle of room whit his eyes closed.

"Suit activated." said the intercom of the suit which only max could hear and then he opened his eyes making the wolf in the room to open his eyes.
"Yes it works." the wolf said turning his head around while his tail waved because of Max being happy about his success.

"No lets see if this thing moves." Max said and the wolf started to walk slowly until it was running and jumping around the room while making kicks and punches in the air.

"Wohoo." Max said before he tripped on the wire and crashed threw the wall of the room only to find himself laying in his living room floor.

"Whoa. Better be more careful." Max said standing up and dusting his fur and it almost made him to murr when he felt the fur moving threw his suit.

"What the hell?? I didn't program it to do that." Max thought while walking in the kitchen to only take a knife and cut small wound on his hand only for it to knit back together few seconds later.

"Strange, i didn't fell a thing, like i shouldn't but who cares about small setbacks." He said grinning and then he went to his own training room and picked his heaviest wight about 100 kilos and started to toss it around in his hand.

"Well that was a light." Max said starting to put weight on the steel pole until it had 1 ton on it and then he picked it up whit his two paws whit relative ease.

"Hmm. 1 ton seems to be max." he thought while dropping the weight which made it crash threw the floor, which made Max to sweat drop. The suit had many cool thing on it, enhanced senses like hearing, smell and seeing. It could use heat vision, night vision and targeting system which made you able to throw anything at the locket target whit 100 accuracy, Then the was the super strength and the wolverine like claws which could be produced threw the knuckles. The suit didn't have any kind of genital things or rectal holes if you were thinking it was just a suit so Max had to take it off if he want to do something in bathroom.

"Now that the suit is ready it´s time to crash in that stupid fur suit meeting which is." Max said looking at his calendar which showed that it was Thursday and the meeting was "Tomorrow." Max starting to laugh evilly.

Friday 21.06.2005

Max was jumping along the tree branches in near forest while heading at the nearest town where the meeting was held. He was wearing his TWS-109 while he had black pants, black tank top and long black trench coat on the suit to cover anything but the face, while he was moving he thought about those fools and their faces when they saw him, but his muses were stopped when he heard a bang and saw a bullet heading at his head so he took the katana he was wearing below his trench coat and patted the bullet away while kneeling on the branch and looking at the scared hunter below him.

"Wha...what are you." He stuttered which made Max to grin,

"Your death." Max said before vanishing from the sight only to reappear behind the hunter and whit a swift blow on the mans neck whit his sheath of the katana the man was out cold.

"Hnn.. Stupid guy." Max said before returning his katana on his back and continuing his journey. About half an hour later he arrived at the place where the fur suit morons where gathering,

"Why i feel that this wasn't such a good idea." Max said whit a sigh and tossed the hood over his head to hide his red eyes and wolf face before he started to walk at entrance. The place was filled whit humans in suits or whit out, mostly of them were nerd, fats or something else who couldn't be categorized in human file in my mind.

"Hey why are you wearing that cloak." Asked a female voice next to me and when i turned to look i saw about 20 years old blond haired girl wearing red cat ears and red cat tail and she was wearing red kimono.

"Not your business." I said giving a small growl while moving forward to look at the inventions built by those geeks, but my trek was stopped when i felt strong tug on my coat,

"Wait." female voice said but it was too late my coat wasn't thought material as i thought so whit a loud riiipp.. sound it was torn in half to reveal my furry wolf suit whit katana strapped on my back and two desert eagles strapped on my hip holsters and throwing knife pouch strapped on my left leg. There was lots of gasps and murmurs when the whole lot noticed. Something like a real furry or it´s just a suit and something like that were the words picked up my upped hearing.

"You..are real." The same blond cat eared girl said while holding the remnants of my cloak in here trembling hands,

"Che.. Troublesome." I said sighing while crossing my hand on my chest and scanning the crowd in front of me whit the eyes and suddenly i picked up several figures who were silently loading some sort of gun, probably dart guns i thought while i chanced my stance a little so that i had a faster chance to react when they will start pointing them at me.

"Are you some sort of alien or escaped government experiment." Asked some geek boy,

"No." I said whit a growl which made them to back off a little and then i noticed one of the men rise his gun at me and before anyone could react i had crapped the hilt of my sword and started running between the crowd and about few seconds later i was standing at the other end of the hall sheathing my katana and when it clicked fife aloud screams could be heard when the gunners chest where opened whit a large gash spurting blood all over the place making the others to scream and panic.

"Well that´s an another way to stop those acward guestions." Max said while looking at the people running around like headless chickens, "Better get out of here before feds show up." I said before walking out side only to see many police cars and swat team waiting out side,

"Hell no." i said running back inside too look another exit, but i was stopped when swat dudes started to surround me.

"You are surrounded." They yelled which made me swat my face whit a palm of my paw.

"No duh??" I said thinking about escape route but the only way was to fight threw them, "I should have stayed in the bed." I murmured while taking a stance and gripping the handle of my katana and then the party started.

Whit the first gun shot i started to run at the closest swat member ducking under his fire and then hitting his side of face whit handle of my katana sending him in dada land, after that i leaped at the nearest pillar and from the i jump´t at the duo of swat members which started to shoot at me but i started to spin in air like a hurricane and when i was between them i used a split kick to render to more unconscious, but when i landed i saw bullets coming at me so i started to swat them aside whit my katana while running at the shooter. When i was in front of him i gave a good old uppercut on his jaw making the swat dude to hit the ceiling before he fell on the floor after that sheathed my katana and took both of my desert eagles and started to shoot arms and legs of the rest of swat team while running and dodging.

There was so much bullets that i could´n even dodge everything so some of them hit but my armor kept them on coming threw, when the last swat member fell on the floor while clutching his leg i returned my guns in their holster, but then i heard clang and saw a grenade on the floor in front of me.

"Shit." I said grossing my arms in front of me before it exploded causing me to fly at the nearest machine made by those furry geeks making it whirl loudly.

"Ah hell." I said before being electrocuted whit a bright flash, the last thing i remember was screaming like a little girl before i passed out.

Next chapter coming up.. "What the hell, you must be shitting me." Max said looking at the furry face of the nurse..

Hui!!Torstai 20.11.2008 09:34

Eilen oli töissä semmonen 80 vee botox mimmi että hui!! sillä oli angelina julien törrö huulet ja varmaan puolet sen painosta koostui meikeistä jota sillä oli naama täynnä.. kyllä meni kaikki halut saman tien ku näki sen.. vieläkin näen painajaisia koko akasta.. O_o

Yosh!!Torstai 13.11.2008 11:02

Vielä kaks päivää töitä ja sit pämppäämään.. xD

Yay..Maanantai 10.11.2008 18:14

Eka päivä töissä ja koko päivä jotain fucking hinnoittelua lättkittiin lappuja oikeen urakalla xD

Eehhh..Sunnuntai 09.11.2008 14:14

Huomena raahen suomalaiseen kirjakuappaan töihin.. PRKL ku joutuin ostaan uudet vaatteet ku ei nahkatakki ja camot oikeen kiihottanu työnjohtajaa..

Marshi biishejä II.Torstai 04.09.2008 15:19

Täältä tulee VMP
Autona meillä on BMW
T-mallin ford, tankki täynnä löpöö,
käsi hameen alla johan tekee höpöö
V-kasi kone pellin alla takoo,
käsi hameen alla etsii tytön vakoo
Me halutaan olla jääkäreitä
Kannetaan koko ajan tetsareita
Telamiinat yhteen hakkaa
Vitutus ei koskaan lakkaa
äiti, äiti etkö sä nää
tästä mä tykkään tänne mä jään.
miehen mitta on kolmekuuskaks
munakin kasvaa suuremmaks.

Marshi biishejä Osa I.Torstai 04.09.2008 15:10

Tahdon olla tykkimies,
taistelukenttien herrasmies.
Jääkäri tetsaa otsa hies,
tykkimies on tiedemies.
Meistä tehäään jääkäreitä
Parolannummen sankareita
Ei maistu meille aamutee
Ainoastaan tee-äs-tee
Hyrylä on kotimme
mitä siellä opimme
näen koneen kaukaisen
Sergein siihen laukaisen
kone putoo savuten
IT-mies teki sen.
Olen aina ollut mies
kulkenut tieni otsa hies
tieda en mitaan parempaa
kuin tulla sissiksi armeijaan
nyt kun taalla viimein oon
tiedan etta kuulun tahan joukkoon
joukosta koskaan erotu en
siksi ma juoksen huutaen
Rynkylla mina taistelen
palleil' yhtaan enaa en
tyttoystavani rakkain on
RK-62 verraton
rynkky unohdan en milloinkaan
sita parempaa en koskaan saa
Ritsa kun tiella tyton nakee
hyppaa ojaan, vetaa kateen
sissin siisti siilipaa
missin viereen yoksi jaa
ritsan merkki hihassa
on kuin piikki lihassa
sissin havu hihassa
on kuin mersu pihassa

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 05.08.2008 19:25

Yees.. tänään raaheen uuten kämppään.. ALKOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yo!!Perjantai 20.06.2008 12:23

Hyvää jussia.. oli kiva nussia.. ja muistakaa et kaljan hinta on liian kallista eli hidastelkaa kassajonoissa..

Kala onnea.. vaiko tyhmä kala?? :-oLauantai 31.05.2008 14:07

Olin eilen Jammun kans fisus.. en siis kalan sisällä vaan kaloja narraamassa.. otin vehkeeni esille (siis virvelin senkin sika!! ei ajatella kaksi mielisesti!!) ja pistin lipan paikalleen ja nakkasin veteen.. ei muutakuin pari heittoa niin johan nappas.. semmonen fisu et meinas viiä miutkin mukana.. LOL