
hey girl . i miss youMaanantai 18.04.2011 03:10

give my actions least apologize. I love you and you know it. I hope that OUR "thing" to develop into relationship because I have too much feelings to you! I would like to be with you all day long. I think I am talking about you every day I see a dream, even you! why not just be together and love? I hope you understand me and accept me. you're not a teen basic. you're a woman you're nothing blonde idiot. ever since I met you I felt your love just to you!. you are so peculiar that I never find the same kind of you. I love so much that the heart is broken.girl I get energy from you. I am glad that I can even see you, just you make me wake up from sleep, get my life thrive, you make me a lot better for the mind, even when you're talking to me. you are so lovely, I have met many girls, but you're the only one that I want to keep and love! I hope you understand me .

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