
You change the sound of my name
The moment of truth that I saw in your face
It hurts inside, a [...] let this by
That you brought to life
All the roads lead back to you

Give me something to return to in your heart
I feel nothing but to live here without you
For life
We were left in this world for eachother
But I can't run from the fate I've been fighting for so long

[Bleak & Ana]
You made me who I am
Until the dawn of time I have

Walked alone
You [...]
[...] know I was wrong
I have to let go...

[Bleak & Ana]
...Of what never meant to be

Give me something to return to in your heart
I feel nothing but to live here without you
For life

[Bleak & Ana]
We were left in this world for eachother
But I can't run from the fate I've been fighting for so long

Give me something to return to in your heart
I feel nothing but to live here without you
For life

Give me something to return to in your heart
I feel nothing but to live here without you
For life

[Bleak & Ana:]
We were left in this world for eachother
But I can't run from the fate I've been fighting for so long

We were left in this world for eachother
I can't run from the fate I've been fighting for so long

kaikkien aikoijen ihanin biisi <sydän> ja elokuva varmasti on myös ihana, pakko käydä katsastamassa jossain vaiheessa <sydän>

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