


All My Time Is Yours?

Chubby AngelTiistai 29.04.2008 09:05

Never shall I stop singing
though out of tune, rugged harp hastily thrown at my shoulder
A cherub with a funky shake of a booty
and a sparrow-quilt wrapped around heart of yet unmentioned colour

A stringless violin
is leaning against a wall
and the squeeks of horror it once played
are now vague memories, lost to the beats of time

Pragmatic sparkle lights your appearance
and as I sit alone on a cloud, humming irrassionality
your low voice catches me
giving me a new tune of meaning and depth
of similarities in distant planets,
before hidden from the sun-staring eyes

Starlight games igniting a composing mind
a chanting attempt to understand strange words of revolution
Chorus consisting of one sentence only,
an understatement about rollercoasters up in the sky:
You had occupied part of my heart

Mira, Unettomana Yönä 04/2008

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