
my hoodsTorstai 28.02.2008 20:30

I haven't been here for long
I can't tell u what kind of
place was this in 90s

But I know this is among
the best places I could think of
living in my 20s

And that's simply
because I feel
these might be my hoods

And if these are my hoods
don't u come
shouting under my window
( in my bed )

And if these are my hoods
don't u come
puking on my front step
( naivety )

And if these are my hoods
don't u come
stealing away my bike
( heart )

And if these are my hoods
don't u come
crashing into me on a street
( bumping )

The biggest reason why I
like these hoods so much
is that I'm not alone
(even if I were lonely)

So I guess
these are my hoods

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