
And the waiting is the hardest thing to take
In a moment more before we break

If you have to let it go
And these dreams keep you awake
If you have to let it go
Walk away

[Funeral for a Friend - Walk away]


SummerÂ’s getting colder
Drive all night to hold you tight
Back to California
Days went by
We waited and I guess weÂ’re getting older
We couldnÂ’t win in the end

YouÂ’re gone
IÂ’m miles away
Turning out your lights
Ten different ways I could end this night

[Sugarcult - Back to California]


And there was never any place
For someone like me to be
Totally happy
I'm running out of clock and that
Ain't a shock
Some things never do change
Never do change

[Something Corporate - Cavanaugh park]

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