
The city's out of parking spaces, but never out of your citation
Paper slips and brand new yellow boots
I walk slow past broken window glass
Dirty pigeons, flying rats
I scratch my itchy face I haven't shaved in days
She tells me to cheer up, if I don't she says I will surely worry to death
I don't sleep much any more now, I'm so tired all the time
I drag my feet through each day, when I come home I lie awake at night
I don't sleep much any more now, I'm so tired all the time

She tells me to cheer up,
if I don't she says "I will surely worry to death"
Maybe I'll start sleeping better then
She says my bad days will only get me if I let them get me
But she won't let them win

I don't sleep much any more now, I'm so tired all the time
I drag my feet through each day,
when I come home I lie awake at night
I don't sleep much any more now, I'm so tired all the time

I don't sleep much any more now, I'm so tired all the time
I drag my feet through each day,
when I come home I lie awake at night
I don't sleep much any more now, I'm so tired all the time

[Treaty of Paris - Tired all the time]
Löysin uuen bändin jota fanittaa, jeejee. :>

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