


"Noctem redde tuae, dux bone, patriae!"

Of vice and virtueSunnuntai 09.09.2007 13:42

Those who are strong can well afford virtue.
Those who are weak and yet virtuous; I have to pity them.

The strong can endure all virtue forces them to. They can even use virtue to overcome any harsh decisions. In the end the strong and virtuous will also define what is virtue.

For the strong to resort to vice is an abomination. They have no need to cheat, they have no need to use needless power, they have no reason to defend themselves with underhand strikes.
Those who are strong already have the world at their feet.
In the end they could even bend the rules of virtue, when virtue compels.

Weak have no way to be virtuous and prosper. If they try they will only be exploited and their virtues banished. Virtue is not bread, it is not wine and most of all it is not gold.

Weak who choose the path of vice do not deserve my pity. They are doubly damned, the most infidel of them all. They have not the strenght to live a life of prosperity, yet they force themselves up the ladder through deceit. They are the nihilists, at the bottom of all. They don't define rules for themselves, but forfeit them all. They are the worst, far worse than the insane or even the mentally crippled.

I'm sorry for this to be the world we live in. If only all would conform to virtue there eould be no reason for vice to exist. All would prosper.

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