


Born as balance guardian.

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The happy people out thereLauantai 24.12.2005 04:36

It´s a time of joy
For the people there
Banished like a toy
I can see nowhere

I watch them smile
While all I can do
Is walk the sad mile
Until I meet my doom

I hear them laugh
And I simply can´t join
I kneel and cough
Cold even in my loin

I feel completely nothing
Not even sadness or hate
In my mind only the thing
Being far, sealing my fate

Welcome to my cold life
Aeons of pain, loneliness
All things stay far and safe
Here is me, a sad mess

I´ve seen the light leave
Beheld a bird´s last fly
I sometimes fall to grieve
While seeing all hope die.

It´s christmas.Lauantai 24.12.2005 04:02

Well what do you know, I survived to see another christmas. If you ask me, the entire holiday ought to be defenestrated. But then again that´s just me. Everyone have a good time and a few laughs at least and feel the magic of christmas if you will. I know I won´t. Have your fun without me. I´ll just burrow myself into a crevasse of sorts and try to outlive this holiday. Merry christmas from all of us to all of you.

Let´s make things cryptic. Torstai 22.12.2005 02:19

Today I could say I had a good day. Propably the best of days since my soul vanished into the abyss of pain and woe. I haven´t found it yet and I don´t wish to. I don´t need it. And I´m not saying I´m in pain or even confused. Experience has simply molded me to my current form. And I wish not to change that. I want to be alone, not lonely. That is, if I had to choose one from those two. But for the first time in a time that feels like spending an eternity in a hurricane´s motionless eye, I felt the one thing for a while which I have been without. I could propably name an ocean of people who wouldn´t see that as much, but I do. They say that one can appreciate life only when they really have feared death. To put it in a more usable form to this case : People are thankful of life when they are close to losing it or have lost it for a while (so to speak). The same can apply for this. I´ve tried my best to build a nation from walls around me in order to block myself from social actions anything stronger than dialogue. I have realised that my fight is in vain, and in the end even unhealthy. There´s no need to stop breathing fresh air and living a somewhat satisfying life as long as I remain loyal to my word. My thanks to Galadriel for this. She has a way of putting things to perspective.

Cold.Sunnuntai 18.12.2005 21:07

Hahaa! Tuplad´s mother said today that my make-up looks better than his. Am I proud of myself today or what?

Damn it´s cold out there.... it´s beautiful and all when the world is covered in snow, but it doesn´t feel too nice when my bone marrow starts to die of frost. Anyone care to take pity of an old and cracking soul that withers in the cold?

Complete MeLauantai 17.12.2005 23:53

Hear my soul crack
See my spirit die
Feel my frozen back
Know that I must fly

Don´t ever let me thaw
Keep my body frozen
Eat my organs raw
It´s me you´ve chosen

Drain me of my blood
Make me a rotting corpse
Unexistant like God
Without strength or force

When there´s nothing more
But a dry cracking mass
In the crevasse of gore
Forget and make me pass.

SightlessTorstai 15.12.2005 02:45

In the dark sky
I see a distant star
No bird can fly
That high, that far

It blinks in the dark
A lonely dying candle
As if making a mark
To which I must handle

Then the clouds come
And the star dies
Leaving me on the run
Can´t see my skies.

Obviously I´ve had a.... disresourceful day. And a biology exam tommorrow and I´m still not sleeping. Self destructive, anyone? Or plain foolish? Well at least at this point of my life I can feel that my existence makes some difference for the better. And grow my confidence in my empathy that way. My thanks to Galadriel for that.

Hope. Stay gone.Tiistai 13.12.2005 02:19

The cold thing there
What to call it now
Can´t even see where
To place my last vow

What could it be?
The name which I seek
Somewhere from thee
And the world so bleak

You remind me of one
That I once used to feel
Luckily my hope is done
And I can no longer kneel.

My apologies on the vanishment.Perjantai 09.12.2005 19:53

Yesterday I could once again feel myself useful as I got to keep company to Galadriel on the way to Morticia and back. Returning to the tunnel you found other company. Consequently I left to do some shopping with an aquiantance I rarely see nowadays. Afterwards I truly assumed that I had lived out my purpose for the day. So I´m deeply sorry for vanishing like that. I hope you can forgive that....

Scared of nightmares?Tiistai 06.12.2005 21:24

This is a dream I saw last night.

I was sitting with someone I didn´t know in my living room. The television was on. Somehow I got the idea that i should put myself into the reality tv-show on the television by squeezing myself through the screen. It even worked. But then the channel (or so I assume) changed. I found myself somewhere in a deep dark ocean inside a some sort of glass structure. I saw someone swimming there.... and being ripped to pieces by a shark. I turned away and slowly started swimming through a glass hall of sorts. Suddenly I got the idea of a huge shark in my head. Then, instantly, a gargantuan shark came through the glass hall from below and left a huge round hole of several meters in diameter both to the floor and to the ceiling. Then it came back. Crushing trough the ceiling and the floor from a different spot. Then the glass hall around me simply fell on itself and sank into the depths. I didin´t even have time to realize that I had all along been propably hundreds of meters from any air to breathe, when my vision went dark dark for a moment. Then i saw a line of teeth. Then I felt a short pain. And a crunch as my body seized to exist.

Then I regained conscieousness. I was in a reddish tube. My vision was a blur and i couldnt see a very sharp image of my surroundings. As if I would have been looking at a world through a microscope or perhaps with some infra-red vision. Anyhow, it didn´t take me long to realize that all that was left of me was... an insect of sorts, laying in the intestines of the humongous shark that had just eaten me. I saw some black ant-like creatures walking around and thrusting their teeth into the red tube we were all in. Then a red long insect walk there from the dark. Something in me told me to pick it up and squeeze it. I killed it. And then the voice in my head told me that "obviously now there will be many more of them here". They seemed somehow hostile so i hurried forward. The tube divided into two tubes, and I took the left one. It was a short dead-end and i couldn´t push myself through the walls. I turned back. Floating above the red insects and took the other way. I landed in some water-like liquid, and i had to dodge hostile insects trying to attack me and shooting me with some round projectiles. After a while i got up from the slimy liquid into a room with wooden walls, and a blue sky for backround. I mean that if you were looking at a computer screen, the left and right walls would be wooden and the backround (read desktop) would be a blue sky. Anyways, the walls opened and into the room rushed rows of cars, aeroplanes and trains above each other. i jumped above the rows in order to bring them down. I succeeded a couple of times, but then I got struck through the back window of a train. Then I woke up.

On the long runTiistai 06.12.2005 20:51

I´m wasting my days
As I see nothing but one
Died in so many ways
I´m often simply done

I keep looking north
For a glimpse or a ray
Of light moving forth
Telling me here to stay

My redemption in a day
Far away from this
Or should it be today
Can I wait for bliss?