


ehkä mä oon terroristijeesus

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LUE JOS ET VIELÄ OLE!!Keskiviikko 19.09.2007 22:41

- At a show fans watch and
when I don't scratch my
chest or when I scratch it
and blood doesn't come out
there are people who say,
"He's cutting corners."
It's like, Fuck you,
bastards, seriously fuck

-...the good and bad
feedbacks are
half-and-half. I think
this is a good thing. To
be honest, don't I always
say that "Fans are
important to us!" ? It's
like, "Without the fans,
there won't be us".
However I always muse if
this is right. The pace at
which we changed visually
and musically are both
very rapid, some fans
liked our earlier music,
and there are those who
only liked our present
style. Of course, the fans
who don't like us will
disappear; but on the
other hand the fans who
liked the present us
increases. However, there
are old fans who don't
like our present music,
but they still attended
our lives because they
like our visual aspects
and our personality. I
think those fans can stop
coming. Even though this
might seem very cold, but
we exist because of the
music, so I hope you could
all get to know Dir en
grey through music, it's
already enough.

- Kyo

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