


You may not be flawless, but you are perfect.

Selaa blogimerkintöjä

Insatiable, inflatable you.Tiistai 19.01.2010 14:11

When you're in my arms, I feel I could just fly away
With the right kind of gas, I might even try it one day

You have all the holes right girls have got
Plus one for the air

Birth-control is not an issue
I clean it all off with a...

Vähäse huiluääniä tulossa.Maanantai 18.01.2010 10:40

Jotaki hyötyä siitäki jos mennee aikasin nukkumaan ja joutuu pyörimään sängyssä pari tuntia hereillä. JOS kitara on lähellä. 8)

8)Sunnuntai 17.01.2010 16:22

"God creates dinosaurs.
God destroys dinosaurs.
God creates man.
Man destroys God.
Man creates dinosaurs."

"Dinosaurs eat man...woman inherits the earth."
-Jurassic Park

-Sunnuntai 17.01.2010 15:45

Sunnuntai. Ei ketään ulkona, ei ketään sisällä. Nice.

There is no separativeness.Lauantai 16.01.2010 17:13

The basic problem is to understand
That there are no such things as things
- That is to say separate things

And that is only a way of talking
What you mean by a thing
A thing is a noun
A noun isn't a part of nature

It's a part of speech
There are no nouns in the physical world

There are no nouns in the physical world
There are no separate things in the physical world either

Everything is the same even if it's different
But our everyday mind forgets this
We think everything is separate

I'm over here
You're over there
Which is true
But it's not the whole truth
Because we are connected.

Oululaisella Esomilla on oma genretermi musiikilleen: space indie. Avaruus jaksaa innoittaa nuorisoa vuosikymmenestä toiseen, ja jokainen polvi keksii sille oman sisältönsä. Luullakseni tähän tunnelmaan Esomin johdattelevat runsaasti käytetyt kitaraefektit ja yhtyeen musiikin kunnianhimoinen poukkoilu. Kokonaisuus tarvitsisi vain kunnon soundit ja tyylillisen linjan täsmennystä. Visio kiteytyy huomattavasti paremmin demon toisessa kappaleessa, joka kasvaa varsin eeppisiin mittoihin. Tuomaksen laulu on vielä aika hentoa, mutta toisaalta laulaja ei yritä liikaa vaan pysyttelee luontevasti rajoissaan. Melko paljon tehtävää ESOMilla vielä edessään on ilmaisunsa kiteyttämisessä, mutta jotain hyvin mielenkiintoista Oulussa on tekeillä.


!Torstai 14.01.2010 15:14

Eivv, nyt on tullu Penn & Teller: Bullshit!tteja konneelle. Pääsee taas kattomaan. Nii että heippa. :--D

If You Loved Me UnconditionallyTorstai 14.01.2010 03:34

If you really loved me the way you say you do
If you love me half as much as I love you
You would pluck a planet from the sky
You’d use a star to dot the “i”
In "I love you"Â… that is what youÂ’d do
YouÂ’d take a cloudy sky and you would paint it blue
If you loved me unconditionally
ItÂ’s the very least youÂ’d do for me

You know I need you
Like a fish needs the sea
Like a fire needs oxygen
Like a flower needs a bee
But if you really care for me
YouÂ’d let me video you while you wee
Standing up in the bath, I shouldnÂ’t even have to ask
Perhaps youÂ’ll even store a little more in a flask
These are just the things that people do
When their love for one another is true

We go together
Like a cracker and Brie
Like racism and ignorance
Like bling and R&B
But if you really want to show you care
YouÂ’d let me wear your underwear
When we visit your mum, it's for a bit of harmless fun
I just like talking about your childhood with lace between my buns
ThereÂ’s no reason for a big to-do
If your love for one another is true

We go together
Like a bird and a nest
Like Internet and porn
Like guns and the US
And if you love me like you say you do
YouÂ’d purchase forty cockatoos
And teach them to flyÂ… in formation in the sky
And shit the words “Tim is God” on my ex-girlfriend’s Hyundai
Sure, it might be easier with doves
But shirking challenges is not what love

Is all about
Love is not all wine and roses
Sometimes itÂ’s handcuffs and cheese
No-one said love is for free
And if you agree with that
YouÂ’d sing me passages from the Koran wearing nothing but your Bob the Builder hat
To the tune of waltzing Matilda
I just love the combination of Islam, nationalism and builder

Because I need you
Like a tick needs a tock
Like bananas need pyjamas
Like a nun needs cock
And if you want to put your love for me first
You wouldnÂ’t go through childbirth
YouÂ’d agree to adopt so that you could stay thin
WeÂ’ll get a Chinese kid, it could teach us Mandarin
And communists donÂ’t make as much noise
And theyÂ’re really good at sharing their toys

Because I dig you
Like an Aussie digs pies
Like Born-Agains dig Jesus
Like Jesus dug guys

And if you love me just a modicum
YouÂ’d softly rub my perineum
And stick your finger up my bum
As IÂ’m about to cum
IÂ’ve heard itÂ’s quite acceptable and reasonably fun
Not that I would want you to
But hypothetically itÂ’s something you might do
If you loved me unconditionally
Like letting me video you while you wee
...assuming thereÂ’s nothing worth watching on TV


F SharpTorstai 14.01.2010 03:19

Eivvv. :---DDD vittu meikä arvostaa oikiasti Timiä ihimisenä ja muusikkona ja koomikkona ja jasoaijsdoajsdoaij.

The second piece of a wholeKeskiviikko 13.01.2010 12:53

The only bad thing that has come out of this
Is the fact that every day is void of you

And hopefully the space that's next to me
Won't be forever empty.