


You may not be flawless, but you are perfect.

Selaa blogimerkintöjä

THIS IS HOW YOU USE WORDS, MOFOTorstai 04.10.2007 12:21

The devil + me + you = two
And we both know that
The devil + me + you = two
And that's the way we are in love
And that's the way we stay in love

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 03.10.2007 16:11

AAAAAA wtf vipit loppu!

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 02.10.2007 17:48

It's the holy fucking AD time 45mins

AWWTiistai 02.10.2007 16:55

"Surprise buttsecks?!"/"Cock goes where?!"

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 02.10.2007 13:53

Win, tänään vois ostaa Herra Ylppön Perse ja Muita Tarinoita-kirjan :O

...jos se suomalaisesta löytyy

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 01.10.2007 20:46

MOAR OF THE TRUTH. Exclamation mark.Maanantai 01.10.2007 17:09

F stands for "fucktard", "fuckface", "fuckwhore" and "fart".

It also stands for the vocalist of a well-known gay-emoband, EMOS (Emotional Mothers of Serbia), who also happens to be everything mentioned above.

F is known for spreading and destroying incredible amounts of lulz and writing supposedly "deep and intellectual" lyrics which are actually secret code-messages for the massive scientology-army that lies in wait.
He's also been identified as a close childhood-friend of the Pedobear, Cockmongler and his daddy, Oprah.

Several studies have shown that F likes hanging out with emos and getting repeadetly goatzed/kanchoed by them. He's also your mom.

If you'd like to meet him, you're both suicidal and perverted - though you can easily do this by summoning the five gods of Shoop Da Whoop and by shitting in front of his dead carcass at night while chanting the lyrics of the Fall Out Boy-song "This ain't a city, it's a goddamn ass-face".

THE TRUTH. Period.Maanantai 01.10.2007 17:04


Kalat ovat yleensä rapajuoppoja, narkkareita ja työttömiä. He esittävät loppuun asti pirteää ja sosiaalista, vaikka mieli on hautonut itsemurhaa jo viimeiset kolmetoista vuotta. Kaloista valitettavasti pidetään, sillä he keksivät aina tekemistä. Usein he keksivät tekemistä, vaikka kukaan ei ole enää edes paikalla. Kalat ymmärtävät vasta kolmen tunnin päästä, että juhlat ovat ohi. Siksi he ajautuvat masennuksissaan juomaan, koska he missasivat hyvät jatkot.

MOTTO: "Meille pääsee!"
TYÖPAIKKA: kiitä onneasi jos on
AUTO: moottoripyörä

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 01.10.2007 15:28

"This is my peen, it's on goddamn Myspace!"